View Full Version : what perf group do I need for a C208 type rating?

16th May 2010, 10:35
I have a UK CPL with the standard Perf E. Do I need to do the JAA performance exam to get a Cessna 208 rating on my license?

17th May 2010, 23:41
you mean a "Class Rating" .
is the aircraft you want to fly under 4900Kg? I think the ceassa 208 is but it is best to check.
I guess you have got a JAA CPL single engine rating as it is only single crew i think.
you will be the commander/ Captain?
I just think its 6 hours of flight time (around that amount in a cessa 208) and a test to get a SET rating Single Engine Turoprop rating.

if you want to make money from flying this then read EU OPS 1.960.
You cannot fly single man crew without 500hours or an IR rating with the company having an AOC. If the company is taking money from people apart from training flights without an AOC Licence then it is Legal.

18th May 2010, 05:50

I've always been under the impression the class rating is the 'Cessna Turbine'...?

Although I stand to be corrected, it's just something I heard off the grapevine.

Cheers. :ok:

18th May 2010, 09:06
The answer to the question is No, you will not need to do the JAA performance exam.

The rating that you will need is the CessnaSET Class Rating (see here) (http://easa.europa.eu/ws_prod/c/doc/List_of_Aeroplanes_class_and_TR_and_endorsement_list.pdf). Since the 208 is not designated as HPA, there are no pre-requisites for the training which, being non-approved, can be as much or as little as you need to reach the required standard for the skill test and can be done by any suitably qualified FI or CRI and without the need for an approved training organisation. I'm not aware that the figure of 4900kg has any relevance in the JAA.