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View Full Version : Troubles at EAT/DHL

9th May 2010, 10:43

Just a word of caution for those working at EAT-DHL. Overheard a conversation that wasn't intented for my ears but apparently both the HR Manager and Managing Director at EAT have been fired. Somthing to do with training budget and more importantly to flight crew their unwillingness to pass the message that the new tax regime out of Germany is legal. The management refused to announce this as they did not want to be responsible for putting people in serious financial problems ... response of company was to sack them.

I know mesaage is blury but I hope it makes sense to those closer to the subject. I was doubting to post this as overhearing conversations is not really nice, but I would want to be warned when I would be facing such matters.

watch out ...


9th May 2010, 12:26
When I joined EAT, I actually thought it was a happy company . . .

Then I was made redundant and I realise how lucky I was - at least I KNOW what is happening in my life.

You all have my sympathy . . . do remember, it's only a job and there IS life after EAT.

9th May 2010, 15:28
wel i realy hope you stay happy as this could be just the start....

;-) Rick

10th May 2010, 16:05
Well, just to confirm the rumour. They are both fired and the SVP is back in place to finish off the job.
Now there is no more protection for the flight-crew and they can do as they like.
EAT/DHL flight crews are always happy and divided. To bad there never has and never will come a real strong answer from the pilot community in EAT/DHL.
But whatever is coming next wil really hurt, I think.
Everything what happened in EAT/DHL the last years shows that this is not the fantastic 7 value company they pretent to be. And the management is far far off of real management.

11th May 2010, 06:05
The latest developments within EAT Brussels are shameful, firing the current CEO and bring back the previous one to finish off the dirty work, i.e., to close down the Zaventem branch of EAT.
This former CEO was responsible for illegal actions (discrimination), for which EAT was sentenced by the Brussels Labour Court in November 2009.
So much to their 7 sacred values!
But what can you expect of a corporation which is deeply involved in war-like support operations in Irak and Afghanistan.
I am shure: The planned farewell party in June will be a "real" party.