View Full Version : Airport ID

1st May 2010, 13:26
Buon Giorno,

Excuse me as this question is in English, I don't speak italian but I thought best chance to find the answer here.

Can you tell me is it possible to have an airport ID (aircrew) with a previous criminal conviction. In countries like France/ UK it doesn't count after a period of time, or can be disregarded depending on how serious the offence/what was the punishment.
Can anyone tell me the system in Italy and how this is checked.For a foreign employee do they just take info from computer , or you must provide police certificate.
Anyone who can help I would be grateful.

1st May 2010, 13:31
if you were convicted for an offence outside Italy I don't really think you will have any trouble over here.
As far as I am aware they just check your criminal record on the national territory, but I am afraid you won't be able to get ad airside ID if you don't take residence first!

1st May 2010, 13:37
Thanks, the exchange of information was greatly enhanced in Europe a couple of years back, and they can now see much more than before, just wondered if anyone knew for sure if they are checking on your home country too.
I had a badge before many yrs ago, I think my employer gave company address as my residence and I had it no problem.

1st May 2010, 13:43
nowadays it depends who you work for, if you are with Fr flying out of an italian base they almost definitely won't give you a permanent airside Id before you become an italian resident.
However I don't really think the lazy italian police will care about the theft of an apple at the street market... it that's the magnitude of the offence you refer to.

1st May 2010, 17:45
To EH574. I am afraid to tell you that, first of all, the italian Police is not lazy as you think, then our SDI (Sistema di Indagine) where we check everybodies criminal records is based on a european database (since 2005) in which you can find every information regarding you records in Spain, France or Uk or Hungary, and all over the union. Do not guess what you don't know, and do not talk badly about an organization just for our famous italian way of saying "per sentito dire..." There are plenty of graduated guys in the Police, and the commonplace of policeman or carabiniere=stupid it's very very old...

1st May 2010, 18:37
Thanks for all the replies. Do you know if some offences are accepted based on severity/time since offence, or is it "bad boy = no pass" ?

In UK the list of unacceptable offences is very long, as is the time for certain offences to be "spent", and even some relatively minor things are no-go.
In France however you may have your "Bulletin 2" (the paper required for a badge) "cleaned" after a period of time, almost regardless of the "sin" if you can demonstrate good cause to require this.

Does anyone know if this is the case in Italy, or if a list of "acceptable" offences is published somewhere.

If no residence = no Airside pass is it normal to pass airside with company aircrew I.D. and passport, is there a similar background check for company I.D.
Just trying to figure out if I will find a solution that will be acceptable to the system.

1st May 2010, 23:30
Unfortunately there are no directives in this direction for now... I mean, the "last word" , the final decision, is made by the chief police officer of the "commissariato" (police station) where you do apply. usually, talking by my experience, it is based on how old is your bad record and to what is related. In italy, you CANNOT (never and never) ask for a cancellation of your offence from the police database. you can ask for a cancellation of a civil record, but every offences will always be shown by the 5 police forces database.

tarjet fixated
2nd May 2010, 02:24

just go ahead and apply for an ID, you will need your EU passport to get a Codice Fiscale (the italian equivalent of the Social Security Number) and then a local address to register your domicile (a friends place will work).
They supposably do a background check on you but to be honest I seriously doubt it's that thorough as some like to describe it.
I was told by someone in the know that many of the non-EU baggage handlers that work in Italian airports in such great numbers are very often let airside without ever even receiving any clearance from their countries of origin.
On top of that ,according to the Italian law, your criminal record can be cleared upon request after 3 years have elapsed since your conviction in the case of minor crimes, allowing you full citizen rights (and an airside ID is definitely included).
Bear in mind that a crime committed abroad, in order to be so defined by the Italian judicial system, has to be considered as such also by the Italian criminal law otherwise it's just not a crime.