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View Full Version : Airline Pilot Information Night, Melbourne ATSC Thurs 6 May

Phil Vabre
21st Apr 2010, 00:20
All airline pilots are invited to register for the inaugural Airline Pilot Information Night at Melbourne Air Traffic Services Centre on Thursday 6 May.

A chance to ask all those ATC questions you've been sitting on for ages!


Bookings can be made by emailing 'vicki.huggins at airservicesaustralia.com'.

Larger versions of the brochure above can be obtained by emailing 'phil.vabre at airservicesaustralia.com'.

Non-airline pilots are invited to attend one of our regular General Aviation-oriented Pilot Information Nights in Melbourne, Brisbane or Sydney - details at Airservices Australia - Projects & Services - Industry Forums - Pilot information nights (http://www.airservicesaustralia.com/projectsservices/industryforums/pilotinfo/default.asp)

Capn Bloggs
21st Apr 2010, 07:54
Beware of infiltrating NAStronauts, identified by a large E on their forehead. :}

RR RB211
22nd Apr 2010, 11:43
Great idea :D

When's the Brisbane one? Or should I PM rotorblades for a private one? :)

22nd Apr 2010, 22:23
In Brisbane we hold information sessions on a reasonably regular basis. A certain watering hole ( Meal Water....) is generally used. :rolleyes:

RR RB211
26th Apr 2010, 07:20
Thanks Owen, sounds like experience talking there...:E

Phil Vabre
1st May 2010, 01:22
Sorry for the delay responding folks, but I have been away...

We are trying to keep our Pilot Nights operationally focused, with presentations and information on operational issues of mutual interest. For example, at the Airline Pilot Night we will have a short presentation on how ATC does sequencing, which is an item of perennial interest to most professional pilots.

Owen, I will be faciltating the event - I still like to think of myself as a controller! :} Hopefully we will also have a current Melbourne TCU controller to answer specific questions. The objective is to provide a forum for mutual learning.

The Melbourne Airline Pilot Night is a trial to see if the concept is worthwhile. If it is, then we will probably expand it to other locations as we have with our regular GA-oriented Pilot Nights.

Still a few places left...

RR RB211
2nd May 2010, 03:47
Thanks Owen, I'll make some enquiries up here.