View Full Version : Diabetes and the CAA

Jimmy Mack
9th Jan 2002, 14:26
Thought you might be interested in this story re: Diabetes. Summary: I has my annual Class I renewal last year, sugar was found in the urine sample and I quickly found myself at my Doctor's, glucose tests and a result "You are diabetic".

A year on after many consultations, tests, change in diet and exercise lifestyle I have got my medical back again, without restriction.

The reason for mentioning all this was to show how the CAA handled it. Throughout the process, they were fair and consistent - and view the condition quite differently to the medical profession - who tend to use more outdated scales for establishing diabetes. The CAA judge every case on a scale of risk - and they deem mine to be low - hence the reinstatement of my medical.

We often knock the CAA when they appear to be unjust - but in this case they have been very helpful to me.

So, if it happens to you (and mine was a surprise), it may not put any restrictions on your flying.

If you want to know more, happy to discuss..

13th Jan 2002, 02:26
The same thing happened to me about 10 months ago. The CAA were extremely helpful and sympathetic. I lost my licence for about a week but after good diet control was proved to be working and my diabetes was under control,I got it back. However, all diabetics with commercial licences can expect to do an annual medical with the CAA and this will probably include an active ECG on each occasion for the rest of your flying life.