View Full Version : AIPA - Team Bazza's Quest for Total Control of COM

12th Apr 2010, 22:57
Team Bazza :}tm are now showing their true colours. Get elected on a platform of "transparency" after whiteanting the previous admins agenda and what are the long suffering members left with?

All the usual suspects guns have fallen silent on QREWROOM for months now allowing Bazza and his Henchmen to run their swords through any COM member who doesn't "toe the line".

Don't believe me? One COM member resigned early this year after accusations of impropriety leveled by AIPAs Exec were allowed to fester unchallenged and unproven -

My source informs that the rot continues today at the monthly COM meeting where yet another COM member is being stitched up by the same Exec for having the audacity to have a different opinion.

SHAME ON YOU BAZZA for allowing this to happen on your watch and SHAME ON THOSE SILENT COM MEMBERS for allowing this to continue.

13th Apr 2010, 00:39
Two lines come to mind CC:

You get the representation you elect, and
You don't miss what you've got, until its gone.That said, 2500 Emails went to all AIPA Members iviting them to come to the 2009 AIPA AGM to discuss and vote on:

The Adverse Impact of Circumventing the Qantas Sale Act, and
Keeping Jetstar Australian’And only a dozen or so turned up.

Qantas' Pilots need to get 'involved' if they want to develop a 'Voice to be Listened Too.'

Good luck to all who seek to create a more prosperous and caring Qantas

13th Apr 2010, 04:16
Nobody is against anyone having a different opinion. However, when those with a different opinion elect to approach management directly and bypass the union you've got to be a bit worried.

13th Apr 2010, 22:04
However, when those with a different opinion elect to approach management directly and bypass the union you've got to be a bit worried.

Team Bazza:}tm banged on incessantly that we needed to forge a renewed "partnership" with our benevolent QANTAS Flight Ops Management:rolleyes:

The whole problem mainline Pilots faced could be directly traced to the recalcitrant attitude displayed by the Ex President:{

How HYPOCRITICAL now that the MOST POPULAR (total votes received last COM election) AIPA UNION COM MEMBER should be censured for doing precisely what the membership voted him in for (ie representation) and what TEAM BAZZA:}tm purportedly represented!

Me thinks the problem back in the AIPA Exec bunker was not the respectful discourse canvassing ideas between QANTAS management and an elected AIPA Union representative rather the discourse was not centered on securing further increases to the T&C of the A380:mad:

6% and counting for the Mothership - can't have the subordinate ranks (even if they are elected AIPA Com members) upsetting the main game:yuk:

13th Apr 2010, 23:32
AIPA...run by 380 pilots.....for 380 pilots.

Don Diego
14th Apr 2010, 00:38
Tempo, you are right on the money and that is why J* and the regional pilots should reject AIPA.:=

14th Apr 2010, 01:41
AIPA...run by 380 pilots.....for 380 pilots.

Classical example of human cognition and subsequent failure to recognise the wider ramifications of such predisposition by the guppy boys.
And it does not end there either.
The pilot profession is where it is because of pilots.

14th Apr 2010, 04:13
i think it is safe to say now that it is not a profession, only a job............ think about it.

15th Apr 2010, 21:37
Hay Don, maybe you should send Capt Cloudbuster an AFAP membership form so those unhappy with Team Bazza might have a voice ;)