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View Full Version : Health Survey of Aircrew/ATCOs

8th Dec 2001, 20:09
Just received a survey questionaire from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. Seems to be a worthwhile research project into the risk of cancer and heart disease amongst aircrew and ATCOs compared to the general population. I'm completing my form, wondering what you folks think of this.....are you going to take part?

9th Dec 2001, 01:50
As you say Nightstop, it seems a worthwhile research project, so I have sent my form back. The blurb says all CPL/ATPL & ATCO's are being asked to take part, thats quite an extensive survey, I hope lots do take the time to play their part.

Tartan Giant
22nd Dec 2001, 14:23
If Tony bloody Blair won't say if his little Leo has had his MMR jab or not, then this in depth research and look up your backside with a microscope is off target.

I'm sending my form back too, but not giving them permission to snoop my medical files !
Nor giving them my NHS number.

I have revealed some personal information that their research is gravitating towards (cancer and heart disease) but that's it.

Merry Xmas guys,


Hew Jampton
24th Dec 2001, 23:21
The notes accompanying the form give a quite reasonable explanation of why one's NHS number is of great assistance, and seem to me to be nothing to do with Tony Blair, MMR, sigmoidoscopy etc. It would be a pity if the jaundiced views of TG were to achieve any wider adherence. The survey should benefit us all, and might explain for example why some forms of cancer are becoming a significant occupational hazard for aircrew. Why should anybody seek to hinder such an aim?

Chilli Monster
25th Dec 2001, 00:08
Don't see what point there is in withholding info for things like this. Got involved in a similar one a couple of years back about "Gulf war syndrome", nothing sinister came back my way. If you've got nothing to hide then it doesn't hurt, and incomplete research isn't much better than no research at all.


25th Dec 2001, 16:00
Chilli: couldn't agree more. Have sent mine back with all the info I could give them.
Data, data...gotta have data...
Happy Christmas to all from one of Santa's favoured workers.
(I get to fly on Christmas Day, so it's some compensation. Champers after work tonight!)

28th Dec 2001, 20:37
Not if you are driving home or working in 12 hours time!