View Full Version : Taking a gamble in Libya

6th Apr 2010, 15:27
Hi Guys,

I think I'm gonna take a gamble and head out to Libya to check out Afriqiyah, and Libyan Arab Airlines for an A320 Fo position. The agencies I find aren't that helpful. Anyone here done such a thing and had it work in terms of getting a job? PM me for any bits of advice, and I'll let you know the outcome. i intend to go soon, just need to arrange a visa out there.

6th Apr 2010, 18:32
Wouldn't touch them with a barge-pole - unless you from that part of the world.
Why do you think the agencies don't deal with them?! :=:=

6th Apr 2010, 19:22
A visitor visa? At least the Shengen trouble is over or so they say.

Do you speak Arabic? Do you have the street addresses of the companies you wish to see. The streets in Tripoli or Benghazi are not numbered per se

Is your VC translated into Arabic.

I wish you all the luck but even if you did get into one of the offices and someone did see you they wouldn't know what to do. No one can make a decision on their own and if you don't follow protocol, eg, send in a CV to an add in a magazine etc the person you see will be lost.

Be prepard to spend some time there, and by time I mean TIME. Not days or weeks. TIME.

Please keep us posted.

6th Apr 2010, 20:53
Thanks guys I appreciate your comments, and I will take them on board. However I also believe that sometimes you got to take a risk in life. Most of the addresses I need to get to are at Tripoli Airport. My Arabic is non existent, I am however from Africa originally I know how some things work. I'll let you guys know the outcome.

6th Apr 2010, 22:00
There is a local guy who just got on with Air Libya , co pilot on the 146, he would know all the contact people as he was after a job for a while.

PM me if you want.

Gaius Westman
6th Apr 2010, 22:42
Parisjet - Good luck, my friend. Remember - fortune favors the bold. Keep us updated - I almost wish I had the kind of courage to do that.


7th Apr 2010, 08:53
Thanks for your support guys, my philosophy is you can send 100s of cv to airlines, and you'll just be a number on the pile. I think if you can go over and express yourself in person it makes a difference. I can't sit around anymore waiting for the heavens to open up, got to make your own luck. Some may call it crazy/stupid, but if it materialises into something then who's crazy? :}