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6th Apr 2010, 13:42
I have managed to crack my laptop screen..can it be replaced/is it worth replacing (it is 3 years old) or should I just buy a new one?

Mornington Crescent
6th Apr 2010, 15:51
Dropped mine! Had the replacement screen priced at much more than a new machine.

Asked my home insurance to pay for a new laptop and they did!

6th Apr 2010, 16:19
Depends, really.
If you were to walk into a high street shop (or a box-shifter :uhoh: ) then, yes, MC has it on the button. If however you are able to do it yourself (download the maintenance manual, then it's undo about 16 screws & ease apart) then it's worth a look on Ebay or wherever.

I've done that with success (and it was a nearly new screen, too, for about 40 quid.) Probably worth replacing the ribbon cable at the same time - they're usually the culprit when screens start to go.

Good luck.

7th Apr 2010, 01:06
I've had my laptops apart numerous times. I've replaced screens, backlights, touchpads, keyboards, optical drives, graphics cards & motherboards. Most parts bought on eBay, either as discrete items or a broken laptop that is OK for the part(s) I want, and others OEM new. Some laptops are easy to pull apart, others really need a field disassembly manual to make sure all the right bits are unfastened in the correct sequence.

My current laptop, an early 2002 Satellite 5105-S901, is called 'Frankenputer' on our home network for good reason. I managed to tread on it while preflighting an aircraft one morning and broke the screen. Bought a slightly lower spec carcass off eBay and used its screen for mine and it's keyboard for my wife's matching lappy. Over time various other issues have developed between our two laptops, leading to a new lappy for the missus while mine has become a combination of all three 5105s. Motherboard & video card from the eBay carcass, bits from Pax.D's one and other parts from my original. Not bad for an 8 yr old laptop although I think its in its twilight years.

The late XV105
7th Apr 2010, 13:07
In the event I didn't need to replace the screen (the "bleeding" experienced after a drop completely "healed" itself over several days) but I found screens4laptops (http://www.screens4laptops.com) to be efficient and well organized during the quotation process.

For the record a new screen for the device in question (ASUS EeePC 1000H netbook) was £114.95 + £14.95 delivery + VAT = £152.63.