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View Full Version : Good news for colour deficient?

Speed Racer
23rd Mar 2001, 04:22
Gotta letter from my doc today about some colour vision testing i had done. Turns out i am colour deficient, but passed holmes wright A. I had an endorsement stuck on my class 1, which i wanted removed.. which was happily done by NZ CAA. So along with my new class 1 i recieved a letter from CAA stating that "(it was) advised that colour vision standards are likely to become less stringent with time (ICAO are developing testing procedures that should be universally adopted in the future)" as well as a lil tidbit about our aussie counterparts, "CASA in Australia would have passed you without any lantern testing."

Could this mean good news for us "colour deficients"?? guess we'll just have to wait and see!

23rd Mar 2001, 23:14
I'm glad to hear you got through!

Here in the UK, I failed both the Ishihara and Holmes-Wright, as I'm slightly red-deficient (protanomolous).

Apparently the white used for the lantern test has quite a lot of green in it, and as I don't see red quite so well, I confuse it with the white. After I'd failed, I was allowed a closer look, and I still confused the colours at a range of 1ft from the lantern. http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif

Have any red-defectives had any luck, as I turned down a sponsorship due to this problem?
