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21st Mar 2010, 17:11
Hi everyone! I've just finished my JAA ATPL examinations and now I'm thinking about the next step... I'm from Spain and here, people use to get the JAA licenses or FAA licenses, others use to go to Canada and get the license from there but.. what about Asia?

Anyone knows about the korean CPL license?? How is it the job opportunities over there?? Could it be a good option?? How are the schools from there? Is it saturated?

I hope someone can help me with these questions that are spinning around in my brain lately...

Thanks in advance!! ;)

22nd Mar 2010, 22:36
hola Macky2!!

well, South Korea is fed by its own schools an military pilots, specially nowdays.
Only Korean air is taking foreigners only wiht thousands of hours, through PARC aviation.

There are some small ATR and Otter companies on the south and in Jeju island that some years ago used to hire with some frequency.

About the aviation...well...the korean peninsula is about Andalucía large, so they don´t really rely their transport by air..only long haul flights for which not low hour pilots are suitable..:rolleyes:
They used to ask any ICAO licence, but i heard that preferable FAA

hope this helps
any one with more info or correcting mine!!?? so much appreciated!!!
buenos vuelos!!:ok: