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View Full Version : Overseas PPL conversion exam (PAOS)

9th Mar 2010, 06:10
Hi Folks,

I'm in the process of trying to convert my overseas (UK) PPL to its CASA equivalent and I'm looking for a bit of advice about the PAOS exam from those familiar with it as my flying club seem a bit vague.

Basically, the CASA website says I need to provide the CAR, CAO, CAAP, AIP and ERSA for the exam. Does anyone with experience know if in the real world these are actually needed? Does the exam ask specifics that can only be answered with the publications, or is this an exam you can pass by reading over Bob Tait's air law and the VFR flight guide? Sorry if this is a dumb question, but the lack of sample questions make the pitch of the exam a bit difficult to gauge.

Obviously, I don't want to spend a big chunk of my flying money on legal publications (ERSA and AIP excepted) that I will probably never touch!

Thanks for any advice.



9th Mar 2010, 07:55
Hi Gareth,

I had the full load of books when I wrote the PAOS, as I was going through to commercial, but to be honest, I ended using the VFG for most of the law type of questions as it was quicker, except there were a couple of obscure questions about dropping stuff out planes, which I never found in the VFG.

As far as I know, they don't update the VFG, so it may be out of date compared to the CAR's etc. I don't think I got any wrong due to that reason though.

Can the flying club lend you their CAR's, CAO's etc?

Good luck!

9th Mar 2010, 11:55
CAO,CAR,CAAP,AIP,ERSA,VFG - I took to my PPL theory exam. Well, all but the VFG stayed in the car, because I'm pretty sure it was 30-40KG of (mostly) useless (for the exam) paper.:} I still passed. (Bearing in mind this was PPL theory, not a conversion)
Think about the health of your spine:ok:

9th Mar 2010, 21:56
Thanks for the advice guys,

As I suspected, it doesn't seem like a huge deal, as it is only for a PPL.

However, the inevitable question is where can I get hold of a hard copy of the VFR flight guide? I managed to get an electronic version from the CASA webpage a few months ago (the manual with the little red aeroplane on the front), but now there's the ever-so-helpful "this publication is being revised" note on the page!



10th Mar 2010, 09:28
However, the inevitable question is where can I get hold of a hard copy of the VFR flight guide?

Here (http://www.downunderpilotshop.com.au/SearchResults.asp?Search=vfr+guide)

this message is too short, please blather on......