View Full Version : Best Professional Logbook

5th Mar 2010, 19:42
Hi. Going to pick up a new logbook tomorrow from AFE. Is there a particular version that has any advantages over the others? Is the Jeppesen the best one as it's the most expensive (and by this I mean does anything distinguish it in terms of quality rather than the name)?

5th Mar 2010, 22:18
Is the Jeppesen the best one as it's the most expensive?

People will have a field day with this...

I use the Jeppesen one. Its fine, although the column lines could be a bit darker imho.

As long as its fairly presentable for when you go to Interview, i'm sure they are all about the same. As far as licensing goes, i believe legally the CAA have to accept anything that is truthfully written on paper in "Ink or Indelible Pencil". However the looks you will get at the counter when you turn up with a roll of loo paper with all your hours on it may not be the nicest...

All the best :ok:


6th Mar 2010, 01:17
Been flying commercially for 2 years. Have had several paper logbooks. However I've (recently) changed to an electronic logbook. It has made my life so much easier. It took me about 3 weeks to move everything over from paper to computer. But now it works an absolute treat. I'm not going to suggest one electronic over another because they all depend on personal preference. But if your intention is to fly commercially then get an electronic one. You can then monitor all your hours including your standbys and total duty hours etc etc.

6th Mar 2010, 10:08
I keep both a hard copy and electronic logbook. I won't recommend any particular brand since it's all about personal preference. However, I recommend to all to have an electronic version. It's an easy way to keep totals on specific factors, but also is an invaluable back-up. I had my hard copy logbook stolen once and the electronic version was priceless in such a situation.

6th Mar 2010, 14:54
I´ve long been searching for a good electronic logbook. I discovered Log Ten but unfortunatley it only works for mac computers. So is there a good program for PCs?

6th Mar 2010, 21:16
I'm interested in having an electronic logbook in place of a paper one and would welcome any suggestions as to programmes for the pc, however I do wonder what you do about getting signatures from examiners properly recorded.




Shiner Pilot
8th Mar 2010, 02:43
Dauntless Aviation

SafelogWeb (http://www.safelogweb.com/)

8th Mar 2010, 13:09
I had Skylog Pro when i was on the PC. But since then went to the MAC and am now on LOGTEN PRO and i would say it is brilliant can track loads of infomation that you want to keep track of. But unfortunately it is for the MAC.

8th Mar 2010, 21:10
skylog pro does run on mac under paralells or bootcamp also APP now available for skylog pro