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View Full Version : Doctors or Pilots?

18th Sep 2000, 02:48
Given the arguments put forward (life or death decisions, the weight of responsibility, life expectancy etc) can anyone justify the low level of doctors wages?

18th Sep 2000, 03:41
Guess they are not unionized.

Squawk 8888
18th Sep 2000, 05:19
Because thanks to socialized medicine they're just civil servants.

Tricky Woo
22nd Sep 2000, 18:07
Both pilots and doctors are wildly underpaid, as a disproportionate amount of money is pouring into the coffers of greedy IT Consultants.

Squawk 8888
22nd Sep 2000, 21:10
Well, if it weren't for us propellerheads travelling to client sites hither & yon a lot of you guys would be out of work!

Tricky Woo
22nd Sep 2000, 22:23
Squawk 8000,
Please click on my 'who'?' button. You may get a wee surprise.

I was trying to be ironic, but, as usual, it fell on barren ground.

Ah well, back to Jet Blast...

25th Sep 2000, 10:27

Only 5.5%? - or is that per month :) ;) :)

---- "Per Ardua ad Mixas" ----
(Through hardship to the bars)

30th Sep 2000, 17:31
Hi all,

What really gets me is the amount of money that footballer's get paid. Put them behind an operating table or the controls of a 747 and see what they do then? They don't save lives or do anything worthwhile. So why do they get paid so much? Because the world is becoming commercialised, more and more with every day that passes...

[email protected]

Do you Yahoo! <-- case in point :)

3rd Oct 2000, 07:27
regarding "life or death decisions", doctors have a little advantage here beside pilots.

Make it one wrong and only his "customer" will die....

Not the whole hospital & himself.

3rd Oct 2000, 22:33
And so what then, the plight of the engineer. Unionised, doesn't appear to have done any good. Injury to self is not a motivator, as it is with aircrew. Spend more time becoming qualified, work longer hours in worse conditions. They must be crazy.