View Full Version : 7 A330 to KA

3rd Mar 2010, 02:16
Have been waiting for someone all day to post about the 7 A330 going to KA. WHF over.....This means CX is losing 11 aircraft this year, what are they going to do with the extra crews? I'm I the only person worried about losing these planes or I'm worried for no reason. By the way for those of you who haven't heard this is a fact 7 A330 to KA and 4 747 BCF's to Air China Cargo. Got the e-mail from the union this morning.
Whats going on management?

404 Titan
3rd Mar 2010, 02:41

Yeh I just got the AOA e-mail as well. My understanding is that it is an aircraft swap but I could be wrong. There is a thread here that has been discussing this exact topic.

CX Fleet Reduction (http://www.pprune.org/fragrant-harbour/406999-cx-fleet-reduction.html)

3rd Mar 2010, 03:19
this is what Dragonair pilots were told:

The first of seven CX A330s will be transferred to Dragonair for entry into service on May 1st this year. B-HLE will be the first to transfer, and the next amendment cycle of our manuals will reflect the fit of these aircraft. The aircraft essentially have the same cockpit as HYB-D and will look the same to the passengers both inside and out. The galley arrangement will be different however, and ISD is working on how to address this. Whilst essentially an internal dry lease, the aircraft will be re-registered in Dragonair’s name (new C of R).

Our CoS states:

All flying of Company passenger aircraft on any flights, including extra sectors and charters, will be performed only by Officers whose names are listed on the Aircrew Seniority List, the Aircrew Seniority List (Flight Engineers) and/or Company Flight Operations Management personnel. For the purposes of this paragraph, the definition of a Company passenger aircraft is a widebodied (twin aisled or greater) aircraft that is owned and operated, or dry leased and operated, by the Company.

These 7 aircraft are widebodied, they're owned by the company, but can't be said to be operated by the Company ("the Company" being Cathay Pacific Airways Limited.) To further emphasize this important point of law, they are re-registering the aircraft in Dragonair's name. Hence these 7 aircraft don't fall under the definition of Company passenger aircraft, and our scope clause falls short.

WTF is going on?

3rd Mar 2010, 03:32
WTF is going on?

You're simply a number, working for a cold, spineless company who will not hesitate to F:mad: you over whenever thay can:yuk:

"It's the little things in life that makes the difference"

Welcome to the Cathay group!!

3rd Mar 2010, 03:43
Thanks. That was helpfull.

Now please stop regurgitating what's blatantly obvious and try to be a litte constructive for once.

3rd Mar 2010, 08:11

Yes I believe you are right. Has been in the mill for quite a while, a swap of the Dragon high gross weight aircraft for our low/variable weight ones.

3rd Mar 2010, 08:15
Dragonair lost all their freighter to Cathay Pacific a short time ago. Did not see you whining about that ?

Why on Gods earth would anyone whine about aircraft being added to their fleet? As for whining about losing them; I suppose I can understand that.

3rd Mar 2010, 08:26
CX pilots will be given a "once only offer" to transfer to KA with the 330s. This will be as First Officer (Rapid Command) but will be at the bottom of the KA seniority list.
Please do not all rush at once.

4th Mar 2010, 20:41
Surely makes sense...the later KA A330s are 231 tonne machines the early CX are 217 ton...MTOW?

4th Mar 2010, 22:32
It was my understanding that these aircraft were replacing the 'whiskies' returning off lease.
Can't imagine those aircraft joining the CX fleet as they would need a complete cabin refit to align with CX mainline 2class or 3class config.

5th Mar 2010, 06:51
CX pilots will be given a "once only offer" to transfer to KA with the 330s. This will be as First Officer (Rapid Command) but will be at the bottom of the KA seniority list.

Utter bull****

We will lose as many 330s as we gain, and since we have already lost 2xA330, and 7x747, I doubt there will be too much celebrating by your poor cousins :ugh:

And, well said " welcome to the CX GROUP " :mad:

5th Mar 2010, 12:50
Can't imagine those aircraft joining the CX fleet as they would need a complete cabin refit to align with CX mainline 2class or 3class config.

It's quite an easy process to swap cabin interiors between aircraft.

B-HLE will be the start with cabin removed and then given a service and mods as KA require.
First B-HWx will be schedule in for cabin removal to be fitted to B-HLE and so on.

I have read that the galleys may remain so a slight config change for the girls.

Other than the No.3 door being a smaller type on the ex CX aircraft the brake cooling fans would be missed on the short hot transits.
That would be quite a large modification if carried out to include brake fan replacements, I suspect not..


5th Mar 2010, 23:22
I think you might be rather mistaken.
The the changes to B-HLE will be limited to minor changes to the LOPA, using the CX seats but changing dress covers and things like seat arm caps.
As for swapping interiors between the B-HLx and B-HWx, utter poppycock. The interior on the whiskies is own by the lessor, so don't you think that they might have something to say about that?
Consider IFE fit and the fact that the later aircraft have the enhanced cabin.
You are right about the brake cooling fans. The retrofit cost is prohibitive and they weigh rather a lot, so the limas will use ground cooling as required, just as it the case with the existing CX operation.

6th Mar 2010, 13:04

I will accept my poppycock on the interior swap as maybe, seats for sure but then there again they are different to the CX type.

I was involved on a previous retrofit with just this moving all the inners to another companies aircraft.
Just makes it a great deal easy to pull all the inners out and swap and maintain the companies colour identity.

If there is an issue with the Lessor and interiors then what is going to be done with it other that remove and package in a shed...

CX would most likely want there own colour scheme likewise KA.

Must try and find out from them that know - good to know somebody in the lease team.