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View Full Version : Security - Or Lack Thereof - At Sydney...

22nd Feb 2010, 08:37
From today's AvWeb site......

"Organized Crime At Aussie Airports".....

An Australian parliamentary committee has been told that organized crime has walked through gaping holes in the country's aviation and marine security apparatus to become entrenched participants in all aspects of security operations, from baggage handlers up to and including customs agents. Representatives of unions, airlines and ground support service companies told the committee that, essentially, criminals have the run of airports in Australia and use them as key elements of their smuggling and distribution efforts. "The potential for a trusted insider (airport/airline employees, contractors, security personnel, retailers and so on) to circumvent security measures and use their knowledge of the environment is an ongoing consideration for aviation industry participants," Qantas, Australia's largest airline, said in its submission.

The committee was told that less than 1 percent of cargo is screened and catering services are never checked. The Australian Federal Police Association claims the voluntary "declare" or "nothing to declare" customs arrivals system allows crime groups to send drug-carrying "mules" through airports from other countries with little chance they'll be challenged. Politicians didn't seem all that surprised, including committee chairman Steve Hutchins, a Labor Party senator. "We are not at all impressed about what appears to be the ease with which people are able to access maritime cards let alone aviation security cards," he told The Sunday Mail. "Over the years, it's been proven that on the waterfront and in airports, there are clearly people who have links to organised and serious crime."

Well, its "official" now...... I guess......:eek:

22nd Feb 2010, 09:51
I flew in there last week internationally through customs, my bags were never checked at customs, I could have brought in several AK47's and a dozen stun guns and they would have never known! Security is hit and miss at best.

Benjamin James
22nd Feb 2010, 11:26
Ah, but the public can rest easy knowing the pilot's are not bringing dangerous items on board, lest they wish to hijack the plane or blow it up so it crashes...


22nd Feb 2010, 21:18
Ah Ben, now you've done it, the NSA have just passed your details onto Group 4 Security, expect a full cavity inspection :}


26th Feb 2010, 05:57
syndey airport is a joke; i've seen better security in third world countries.

26th Feb 2010, 07:45
Security is an all or nothing proposition. To have a truly robust security system that actually protects the flying public would mean your local airport would resemble Baghdad International. At the moment, security is nothing more than an effective "show of farce".

26th Feb 2010, 09:07
Ummm Baghdad International???

I'd say Ben Gurion Airport, Israel, is the safest airport on the planet, due to the fact that security there don't act like the f*wits of Poland and the majority of airports in South America (AK-47s and MP-5s in your face). Also, every inch, including toilet cubicles, are covered by security/surveillance.

Back on topic - Aus airport security is lacking.