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22nd Feb 2010, 06:22
Heard rumor that a certain popular admin manager and two senior secratarys got terminated by CEO himself last week. Mr JG + Mrs AH (ex GMFO sec) and Mrs JL. Apparantly inappropriate behavior was the crime in the form of organising a gathering with food/ drink to celebrate Valentine Day!:eek:

The secretarys were dressed in there best saris and lots of food was offered to office staff but the gathering was offensive enough to somebody who called the CEO and told him what was happening. Apparantly the man himself came down to see but everything was cleared up by the time he arrived. The three were fired on the spot as they organised everything? It is 'NOT ALLOWED' to have such gatherings in QR offices with food, drink etc especially celebrations of a non islam type or other country national day, festivals or something like this.

Other madness continues on the rostering

Mr (oh sorry you must call me Captain) BM (Black Magic A330 cp) not satisfied that the CEO made the rule of a max 3 days off in a row now is wanting to stop pilots from trying to commute or generelly leave DOH on days off. He believe that all pilots must center there lives in DOH - must bring there familiys to live in doh with them and those that do should not come or will be fired. He is gives this advice to CEO who allows him to make such rule changes and interfer with pilot rosters.

22nd Feb 2010, 08:47
Yes, I heard it as well a couple of days ago, couldn't believe my ears...

22nd Feb 2010, 11:20
Another nail in the coffin:ugh:!

Ronaldo 330
22nd Feb 2010, 12:06
Another HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUE has happen .

Maybe some secretarys knew to many seacrets that may hurt someone ?

Or maybe some of them are helping pilots with small tips before they get sucked .

Or maybe CEO just want to show that rumour that he is in trouble is just another joke .

How long it takes till god punish a monster like AAB ?

22nd Feb 2010, 15:32
C'mon ladies & gents stay optimistic...:)
At the end the dictator is always defeated...!

Ronaldo 330
22nd Feb 2010, 17:49
Yea to be eoptimistic ??

How long where some DICTATORS on power ? Lets see :

Mao Tse-Tung (China ) he was there for more then QR dictator

Josef Stalin ( Russia )

Marcos ( Philipines )

Chaushesku ( Rumania )

Pol Pot ( Cambodia )

Litle small man ( Doha ) 1997-2010......

22nd Feb 2010, 20:01
hahahahahahahahahahaahah, getting rid of JG and a couple of Indians is a good thing.

22nd Feb 2010, 22:25
Only 1 good thing happen and that is termination of famues performance officer Navneet . She was known as an reporter of flight deck crew and giving hard time . It is proven "every dog has his time" she got "kim chi" this time .

All the rest terminations are really bad and i guess our famues GMFO will advertise for secretary now .

100 % he told Mrs "A" "do not warrie i will speak to CEO about you"

Its a SOP for A.J when someone get terminated

Capt Krunch
23rd Feb 2010, 05:39
getting rid of JG and a couple of Indians is a good thing

everyone has the right to their own opinion but, part of that statement is unwarranted. Ms A was a good person, would never cause harm to a fly. I had the pleasure of dealing with her as she moved thru the different departments over the many years she had worked in QA.. a Sri Lankan not your typical Indian.
cant comment on the rest but IMHO Ms A was nice.

Poisoned by Compromise

23rd Feb 2010, 07:45
I have to agree with Krunch, will not hurt a fly.... fine person...

that is the reality of QR and will never change.

a wise man once said " when I am right no one remembers when I am wrong no one forgets"

23rd Feb 2010, 19:28
only good people get fired except for JG of course very happy to hear that he is gone but A is great lady doesnt deserve that at all :ugh:

24th Feb 2010, 18:27
Finally......bringing back "sleeping your way to the top!" It's soooo much easier than having to work and rely on one's own merits. Hopefully it works for males as well as females. :D

There's hope for me yet.

24th Feb 2010, 19:13
Heard through the grapevine that Mussolini delayed a flight yesterday for over an hour, just because he had the wrong version of the paperchecklist on board!
It seems like he is on a personal queste against certain, much more popular than he ever was, managers and he was trying to prove a point.
It appears to me that he shot himself in the foot this time by doing so...Very curious to see what happens next.

Is Mussolini more powerful than Capt. BM? Can he avoid the incoming flack from the 9th floor? Will he be able to fool the EVPO? Will people finally see that this person's ego is too big, even for an A380?

24th Feb 2010, 19:39
Is this the guy who make dirty work for 9 floor ?

I was told this guy is like a cockroach he survived all .
Few years a go he ofloaded Sudani C/S in CMB and nothing happen to him.
Even Salia the Snake cant hurt him .
When he is on party he offer cabin crew to fix them roster for ....
He is ready to do anything to anyone just to get back in power which he was kick out .
He even bring in his brother in law to airline with less hours then required.
After he chop ride a good aviator and majority of people do not say hi to him he still think he is someone .
I was told by his Italian friends that in Sardinia he walks like he swolowed stick and he things he is important .

He is smart like every cockroach he play with people which like him. Black Magic like him and they are best friends now well not many friends left for both of them . But A.J and A.Q and most of others are not big fan of him.

He is happy man in his own small dirty world

27th Feb 2010, 07:45
Buon Voayge !!! JG (Speedy!.:mad:
Thank you vey much for the very nice job you have done, degrading hotels, food quality, uniforms etc etc.
Shame of you.

2nd Mar 2010, 14:34
May all people which pass away due to little small man harassing them and their family rest in peace .

We have a few casualty till today as result of stress cosed by lunatic who is given ultimate power by the goverment .

And it is a chain of command : 9 floor lunatic - BM - Duche

It is a prove that even mentally sick people can be successful .

Lets send R.N to some psychiatric hospital for road show .

Black Stain
2nd Mar 2010, 16:02
The rise of the Catamite King is a truly inspirational story. How through so much hard work bending over and polishing, a simple stunted boy from Hyderabad rose to become the Skytrax Aviation Personality of the Year.

Perhaps it was destiny, after all, Akbar means "Great"