View Full Version : Working For COPA

22nd Feb 2010, 02:32
Hi Guy´s ,

Just to let you know if youre interested on applying for COPA.

1. You must be a very pacient person to withstand ,

A. SIPAC and AAC Spoiled Directors .
B. Some locals pilots that suffers from Xenofobia.
C. Pacefull Behaivor from COPA Chief´s in terms of protecting Expat Pilot´s from SIPAC and AAC attacks.:mad:
D. The daily thriller of having or not a job.

Among other thinks,

If you are going to work for COPA , just be here to get the licence and get the hell out of there !!!!!!!

Carrer at COPA, IMPOSSIBLE , SIPAC AND AAC is making it impossible.

Salaries , BAD!!!! plus taxes that can reach up to 30 percent.

Benefits, each year they remove more and more benefits.

There are a lot of pilots leaving COPA and is not a coincidence, it´s because the enviroment is very unpleasant (very hostile) and the job is very unstable due to AAC and SIPAC Directors.


COme and get the rating and leave (500hrs)
Do not buy properties in Panama.
Be pacient .
and Enjoy Panama Tourist Zones


13th Mar 2010, 03:36

You seem pretty jaded.... Are you working there now or are you a former pilot?

14th Mar 2010, 18:48

Where are you from my friend?. Are you a B737 or E190 crew member?. Do you have a plan B now?, where are you headed?.

Wish you the best for this year man!.


31st Mar 2010, 02:44
so you can get the ratings paid by Copa?? do I have to be a Panamanian to work for them ??
hey good luck in your next step man! thanks for the heads up !:ok:

what's the pay rate for F/O anyways?? if anyone knows