View Full Version : Quiet Zones

Vortex Wake
22nd May 2000, 14:21
I hear the rail companies are to be made to have quiet mobile free zones and quiet areas (presumably no kids/large groups)
Obviously mobiles are banned on aircraft but could some seating on planes be allocated in the same way ie max 1-2 people together no kids and the stanger next to you knows not to even try to BORE you with their life story!!!

[This message has been edited by Vortex Wake (edited 22 May 2000).]

23rd May 2000, 04:27
I think it's called first class. Beyond the reach of most of us.

On a wide-body, one teething infant is going to be audible over a very wide area, and I can't see the problem going away.

However, the ear-defenders that apron staff wear can be bought for very little money and are extremely effective. Those on top of foam ear-plugs will deal with aforementioned infant even in the next seat.

The only solution I have found to extremely motile fellow-passengers, who elbow you throughout the flight, or lower the seat in front onto your face, or knee you in the back, spill food and drink etc over you, is alcohol in copious quantities. A thread in Rumours and News frowns on this heavily, but what else can you do?

It's rare for kids to do this to you, only adults have learnt how to be that ill mannered :mad: