View Full Version : Roster Stability / changes discussion

19th Feb 2010, 18:12
Hi, I'd like to find out from people in major airlines how your union / pilot association deals with roster changes and standby issues.

In some airlines any roster change on a specific day may not be earlier than the duty you were originally rostered for, and the change may not result in a sign-off more than 2 hours later than the original duty would have signed off at.

Some airlines compensate you for roster changes, some don't.
Some only allow 3 roster changes in a given month 'free' to ops, after that you get compensated.

Sometimes you get 2 home reserves rostered next to each other - in some airlines this means you can be rostered for a nightstop, other airlines not.

I'd be particularly interested if any Lufthansa guys could comment, but interested in any major airline's policies. IM if you like.


Knee Trembler
21st Feb 2010, 11:59

I'm with Augsburg Airways (Lufthansa Regional).

We have pretty rock solid rosters. Changes are limited to four per month max. Any change inside three days is voluntary and if it exceeds two hours from the original time, attracts a compensatory payment.

Standbys are limited to eight hours and the same rules apply such that being called out from an early standby for a late duty would attract a payment.

Other highlights are 10 days off per month (averaged over three months), maximum one single day off per month. Maximum 5 days on. 140 hrs duty per month (35 hrs per week!) before overtime.

All in all a very good deal.

If only the pay matched the rostering then it would be the best job in the business ;-).


26th Feb 2010, 19:21
Thanks, KT. Any more please guys?