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19th Feb 2010, 16:03
Hello to you all,im 23years old.
i have some question maybe you can help me to choise the right things.
soon i ll go in texas but for obtain a jaa atpl course starting from zero.
After it,I will not be able to pay me type rating so i want to know if

1)there are opportunities with companies from anywhere in the world to obtain a sponsored type rating like a-320 or boing 737 or similars?

2)the cargo s companies are more indicated for asking job the first times?

3)is possible to pay a type rating little by little to a company that give me the possibilty to work?

4)whithout money in the worst eventualy what i can do with my future jaa atpl for obtain a job?

many thank s to you all

19th Feb 2010, 16:26
At the moment the answers to your questions are:

1. No
2. No
3. No
4. Not much, unlikely you would find a job with a fATPL and no money to pay for a rating.

Things may change but at the moment and I personally think for a long time that is the truth.

19th Feb 2010, 17:29
Emilian, probably I cannot answer to your question cause we all know what the current situation looks like. If you're concerned about your investement you could consider to train till your CPL and use some of the money to get an FI rating. Probably the best idea nowadays. Also, and this will answer to one of your questions, you could head to countries like Africa where they use to employ low houred pilots flying scenics and charters and you will need just a CPL with 200 hrs, instrument rating and MEP are not mandatory but even this looks struggling actually.

19th Feb 2010, 18:00
Unfortunately in the current climate jobs are few and far between, there are a few companies that will allow you to have a SSTR. However generally anyone recruiting requires a TR+hours on type, the minimum generally being around 500. However again it is all down to being in the right place at the right time, I know people who have less than that on type and have recently found employment, and I know people with thousands more that are unemployed. Paying for a type rating only can be hit and miss, again I know some people who have paid for their own ratings and have recently gotten employment, I also know people who paid for their ratings and can't get a reply to their CV's.

I would definately start by saying, get the idea that cargo companies are easier to get into, out of your head. There is no difference.

Good luck

20th Feb 2010, 02:23
not easy to go to UPS or FedEx. They have a waiting list of thousand pilots with heavy jet experience.
To get a job at FedEx, fly a MD11 by example, you have to know someone.
They are not going to call you after a CPL...

my advise to you: STOP TO DREAM, and go to Uni or a professional school.why not something in IT?or business management, or work in a bank, they make plenty of money.

boca lupo!

20th Feb 2010, 10:35
i think that even if i finish a uni or any course is the same,hard to get a good job soon

20th Feb 2010, 10:49
True, true.
Then fork out 50 000 euro and see if you can get a good job soon.

Love makes you blind, and the industry needs blind people like you to support instructor, mechanics, engineering and production jobs.

Come back in a few years and tell us how big a mistake it was.
We' ll happily read about your miseries while crunching a bag of M&M' s in front of our computer desks.

ford cortina
20th Feb 2010, 12:18
As much as I hate to say it, Fly_antonov and Flyprototype have a point. There are some good comments on here and good advise.

For the record I was in my mid 30's when I came into flight training, I have no debt and worked dammed hard to make sure I had none.

I was lucky, or unlucky depending on your point of view, I had to undergo SSTR and hours, but got a job.

That was a few years ago, now and for the next few years the market is saturated with low houred pilots and worse still there are a lot of experienced pilots without jobs. The upshot, well unless you are really lucky to get a FI job, and pay for the rating. You will have to be monumentally lucky to land a job on Turboprop or even jet and even then will probably have to pay for the rating.

I would wait, get some money behind you first.

21st Feb 2010, 15:49
Hi guys,

no need to bash on the kid, I think we all have been there done that and in fact we are still around although we know this industry sucks big time :E

Emilian, if I were you I would get an university degree. Yes it's true... you will not get a superb job straight away but... you will not get in debt, no licenses to renew etc... think twice.
Just the licenses you'll spend around 1000-2000 Euro/year to keep them current (and you'll be rusty anyway because you aren't flying).

And instead of going for fATPL/integrated, take a look at modular options and flight instructor rating. Much more competitive than a fATPL and no money for a type rating IMHO.

(and please watch your spelling/grammar :ok: )

cheers /Pablo

21st Feb 2010, 22:26
after the jaa atpl whit 350 h
i will have the possibilty for a type rating,like 20 000 euro...but i ask this question to you all becouse i whould like to hear that yes...i can find sponsored,or semi sponsored type ratings ....
but...if it will be very necessary a type...i will spend this money too...

this little particular can make a big difference for my career?
don t tell me that even with a type rating i cant find a job !of corse not soon and is not sure
but i think that if i will have the jaa atpl and a type too,im in a better condition ,isn t true?

21st Feb 2010, 23:21
a sh#t sandwich is still a sh#t sandwich, even if you throw on a few extra fixings. Realistically, imho, your dreaming. Go get 100 hours on a 206 and that will be a better investment than a TR on a jet.Sincerely, I wish you luck.

21st Feb 2010, 23:39
I wouldn't say your any better with a type these days.

If you get a jet rating none of the turboprop company's will look at you.

Narrow body Airbus or 737. There must be thousands of rated pilots available in europe just now for those types.

ATR rating?
Or a Dash rating?

What ever you do you run the risk of not having the one you will need.

Personally I wouldn't do it.

22nd Feb 2010, 00:04
I just wrote him a 1000 word PM.

He' s headed for a 40 000 euro JAA ATPL in Texas at Skymates starting April, including a conversion with Egnatia.
Basically I told him that it will end up costing him 70 000 euro between foods, transportation, visa' s, fuel surcharges, fees and charges.

He was telling me that he was looking at Qatar and Avico as employment options after his 350 training course, as a frozen ATPL. I told him that Qatar no chance and Avico is dubious P2F, not employment.

He seems to lack information about the realities of this industry.
He is hoping that 16 months from his course start, the industry will change so much that all airlines will be spreading their arms for him.

I told him that in 16 months, with steady flight school outputs, the situation is likely to be worse than it is today.

If you care to help this young and ill-informed wannabe, it will only benefit his own good.

22nd Feb 2010, 02:27
Emilian, Old Mate,

I don't want to quench your enthusiasm because the 'flying bug' is something that most (but not all) of the really good pilots I have met in 32 years of flying seem to have in various amounts. One trick to being a good pilot and successfully navigating the journey of life (wife, family, responsibilities outside the cockpit) is to learn to take control of the 'flying bug'.

Now is probably a great time to learn this lesson. Take note of the advice being given to you here, I think most of it is pretty close to the mark.

If you really have-to-learn-to-fly-right-now, and make a career of it, then you should seriously consider joining the military. In Australia an aspiring military pilot, after completing the return of service is sitting pretty to use the skills and experience gained in service flying - in the Civilian Aviation arena. I don't know how it is in Europe, but guess it's probably the same. Also if you start with military flying you will have some $$ left for life when you do get to airlines.



22nd Feb 2010, 02:51
arghhhh! this guy is nut:eek:.(solamente buono per il manicomio) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFDE9uu-J-I&feature=fvsr)
He want spend his money in the USA, in Arlington, Texas.
If the business goes out of business, like many other schools who has been bust , like the one runed by some Italian guys in Meacham Airport in 2001, he will not see his money back....(US schools grow like mushrooms and are very dangerous unless you pay as you go)

add the complication of the training, paperwork, tests...Randhem tried and failed too.

the big problem with these type ratings:

1. it has an expiration time.
2. cost a lot of money
3.not recognized everywhere
4.it can go against you(you may become overqualified to fly smaller planes)
5.the type rating is not easy, stressful due to cost,....

if you go to Uni or get a professional bachelor degree.

1.no expiration time
2.cost is reasonable
3.recognize worldwide
4.more jobs worldwide
5.less stress, cheaper than aviation.

it's not the first time I see some 22-23 old pilots who do unskilled jobs because they don't have the capacity(or didn't' want) to learn a REAL PROFESSION, then they think they will fly a MD11 !!!! wake up man!

one guy told me, that if he doesn't fly a job on big aircraft, HE WILL CHOOSE to fly something smaller. like citation or Lear.(like if he had the choice!!!).

let him spend his money, I am waiting for the guy to say "hey guys, do you know a good attorney?, I want sue the school.

then this young wannabe will disappear forever.Probably working in a bar in Milan or Rome or as a flight attendant for Ryanair , paying back 100'000 euro for the next 15-20 years!(at 1000 euro per months, living with 3 roommates, eating spaghetti left by the bar, with no life, no girlfriend, no friends...)

buona fortuna mio amico (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yb_yVxDyB9s), (you will succeed where others failed)

22nd Feb 2010, 14:42
people,dont think that im going to study becouse i think that i have chances with avico or qatar...im going to study becouse i want to do that in my life...those 2 companies are a reply to fly antov in a personal message were he told me that there are not possibilty...i found those 2 and i write him but i dont care about avico and qatar is just an exemple of that maybe there are some opportunities,even tht is hard,and sometimes can be fakes.

22nd Feb 2010, 14:58
pilotprototype you have e lot of fantasy in your mind
eat spaghetti...working in a bar in milan or rome...
please let your humor out how is possible in 2010 you r still think that an italian can only eat spaghetti and who told you that im italian and i want to work in italy
what studies are you talking about?in wich school?
dont think about the costs for food,conversions,extra taxes...you dont have to calculate my costs,ill do it ,i grant you that i know that i have to eat and sleep far away i know that is expensive and the conversion too!what is new?
my question is about the possibilty after had this jaa atpl with a type rating too if is necessary,
so dont ans me about the costs of the food or the conversions...this is a point before my question.
if i want to do this in myu life is better to start from something,not to stay here and wait until people from pprune says:ok,now is a good moment to take you jaa atpl,go man.
it will never happen!

22nd Feb 2010, 15:02
about skymates
i told to flyanton that i didn t find nobady spaking negative about skymates,if anybady have information or negative post,threads or something about skymates,please tell me.
me im spoke with an ex student that is working,and with a boy that is studing now,nobady told me that they use to apply extra taxes extra fuel charges taxes or nothing like this

22nd Feb 2010, 15:50

To answer yor questions about type ratings. You will be very lucky to get a job with an airline that will pay for your type rating after finishing training. Not saying it wont happen but the chances of it happening are very slim.

You will more than likely have to pay for a type rating however do not pay for a type rating without a solid job offer.

A type rating on its own wont get you a job, but neither will turning up to an airline and saying heres the money for a type rating now when do I start. Yes you will probably have to pay for a type rating if you want to fly a 737 or 320 in the next few years but you will have to pass an interview/ sim check first. Only part with your cash once you have a solid job offer on the table.

22nd Feb 2010, 18:03
Emilian, I think you're question is quite common in here and therefor it might sound annoying and silly. I understand that's very important for you as you're about to take a very important decision for your future but I'll suggest you to write in the italian section (I guess you're italian) and hopefully find some usefull answer and help. Many italians have been at Skymates and many as well are concerned about type rating and employment opportunities so for your interest I suggest you to refer to the italian forum as this will make communication much easier and hopefully lead you somewhere! :ok:

22nd Feb 2010, 19:13
EI-CON, that was a good post about the SSTR.
That' s how things really are.

26th Sep 2011, 21:50
Im glad i didn t take your suggestion!
Im in europe,im a pilot and im flying,i start 10 days ago.i saw zurich geneva nice milan st tropeiz sion...and you>what are you doing?
you should learn something for me,nothing is impossible,and dont care about people like u!!! u was so pathetic and i knew from the beginning that you just speak to give fresh air to the mouth

30th Sep 2011, 10:41
Hi Emilian,

Well done ! Your tenacity and faith worked and I am glad you are flying !
I faced similar troubles recently and came out of my JAA-ATPL at the pick of the crisis (2008). I decided to stick to it and follow my dream even if I was already 46 !! Yep, that old !
Today I am waiting for my Captain upgrade soon and am a happy Turbo-Prop Pilot with nearly 3000 hours.
Of course, it is tough, I make little money for now as we all need to learn and earn our upgrade but the future looks OK for me and I am sure for you too !

Again, well done, keep flying and keep the blue side up !


30th Nov 2011, 05:22
I'm a skymates student, if you have any question.. just ask me;)

30th Nov 2011, 07:33

you are just another chop who is going to be kick out in 1-2 months for the next Emilian :).

we all know these P2F worth nothing, how much you pay? still enjoy being used by your company.

I bet you talk bullock on this forum, you have no JAA license and you fly over the alps.... you see I don't belive you. People warned you!:}