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View Full Version : Aft To Close Groundschool With Immediate Effect !

18th Feb 2010, 18:47
Buddy of mine on the course has just been pulled in along with 2 other students to be told 'we are closing full time groundschool with immediate effect' . They started in January and have the first module exams in a week and a half , great timing AFT :ok:

18th Feb 2010, 18:52
Just spoken to another guy currently distance learning through AFT , he is totally unaware of this as AFT havnt even had the courtesy to inform him.

Big round of applause for AFT :D NOT !

Alan l
19th Feb 2010, 21:35
I wouldn't group the staff in your sarcastic congrats TP,it's not their fault..............:=

19th Feb 2010, 22:35
I wouldn't group the staff in your sarcastic congrats TP,it's not their fault..............:=

A tad sanctimonious, perhaps Alan l - what is your position - do you expect the MD of a working FTO to email all the students? Of course the staff are to blame for this discourtesy if they are still at their desks and accepting remuneration!

Presumably they are having the decency to be working out a solution with the CAA for crediting those with at least having done stage checks of the ATPL theory syllabus. Shysters if not...

19th Feb 2010, 23:14
Sorry guys do you mean AFT - Brisbane. Which do ATPL theory CASA?

20th Feb 2010, 07:21
I'd guess from their locations that they mean AFT in Coventry UK.



20th Feb 2010, 07:48
Alan l , I am one of the 3 who were in that room , he isnt commenting on the staff for obvious reasons , as i am without a course they are now without a job.

The instructors have been nothing but professional after basically being made aware in December that ours was the last course and that full time would close at the beginning of July they still had the professionalism to delivery an excellent course 'The Nav' in particular , he knows who he is :}

20th Feb 2010, 07:52
Wheelbrace - I expect the MD to allocate the job of emailing every student , it is an expectation of their commitment to students to at least inform them of a major change like this.

20th Feb 2010, 09:48
The MD or to give him his proper title CEO - cares not one iota for his staff - or students (exception being possibly if they are sponsored by his fellow desert dwellers) - The staff are totally professional and currently struggling to keep things together in what are very difficult circumstances - this does not only apply to Groundschool either!

20th Feb 2010, 10:18
I will second that , the staff in my short time there were all courteous and professional at all times :D

CATS Support
20th Feb 2010, 10:41
If this is all unfortunately true at AFT Coventry
We have a Stage 1 ground school next week at Luton which you can attend gratis


Alex Whittingham
20th Feb 2010, 10:49
Presumably the full time groundschool students will be offered a switch to AFT's distance learning package?

20th Feb 2010, 11:13
Thats right yes Alex , but i gave up a very well paid job in December to transfer from distance learning to full time so im very :mad: off at the moment !

May be giving you a call real soon but will see how it goes first :(

20th Feb 2010, 11:16
CATS - Thanks very much for that its really appreciated ! The instructors are in next Monday / Tuesday which again proves testament to their professional attitude towards the students and helping them through the exams.

20th Feb 2010, 14:21

Im guessing AFT are not going bust, are they giving you ALL your money back?

You should claim some kind of compensation for them messing you around, im sure they knew about this when you signed up.

20th Feb 2010, 14:40
Downwind 24 - you seem to misunderstand what I was saying in my earlier posting; I am on your side - the staff can fight their own battles.

If the company has gone bust I would expect the CEO to email (at least) all his/her disappointed/inconvenienced pupils with reasons and what he/she is doing about this situation.

If the company has not gone bust, he/she would, I am sure delegate the task of communication with pupils. In this case the professionalism of the staff should be applauded when they brainstorm and implement solutions for you all.

I studied at BGS by distance learning. My experience with them was excellent and I urge you to proceed directly to their square and pick up the advantage when you pass 'Go'.

As an aside, AFT's website is running but the information page is still only trumpeting good news. Get a grip, AFT - don't squander all the goodwill you had.

20th Feb 2010, 14:57
Davey - I agree with most of what you say - except the part about AFT staff having prior knowledge of this - What you need to understand is that the CEO has a habit of making these kind of snap decisions with little or no regard for anyone who is in the firing line. I do not speak out of turn as there are many threads on here to concur with what I am saying. If you are his flavour of the month you are ok - but this changes very fast and if his taste buds tire of you, you will find yourself leaving by the nearest exit before you can pack your headset and pot plant. The way in which this has been handled may sound unfair, out of order and thoroughly not cricket , but for those who have personal involvement and experience of how this man conducts himself it really is no surprise

20th Feb 2010, 16:59
Ok i see what you mean , Valkyrie it appears you may have also been on the recieving end of what im now experiencing ??

Regards the fact i left my career after recieving email and verbal confirmation even after the AP had closed hurts even more ! in my first week both the man in charge down there and the liason / admin were 'disposed' of in the same week , thats when i was starting to have second thoughts!

We shall see what Monday brings and the phonecall that i 'should' receive first exam in 9 days :bored:

20th Feb 2010, 17:06
On the Airports Forum there is talk of the CPL/IR training moving to Doncaster. Does anyone know if this is 100% confirmed and if so from when?

What about the FI and MCC/JOC courses? Is the CRJ simulator moving too?

the liason / admin were 'disposed' of in the same week

Does this include Teresa?


20th Feb 2010, 17:10
That was referenced to Teresa , and as far as i understand it will all be going to Doncaster Manxcat

20th Feb 2010, 18:44
I think the words "disposed of" are very apt - Theresa was a superb asset and loyal employee of AFT who was to put it bluntly shafted big time - She was not the first and will be by no means the last - But the time is coming when the words "constructive dismissal" and "industrial tribunal" will be wafting around the corridors of AFT!!!! End of rant..........

Alan l
21st Feb 2010, 09:48
Wheelbrace,you need to be certain of your facts before firing broadsides.:=

Some of the staff only found out about this decision from this forum,they weren't told about it directly,so it wasn't only students that weren't informed of the decision.

I can assure you that none of the staff at the'coalface' at AFT are shysters,indeed they should be applauded for the way they have conducted themselves during some very trying circumstances over the last few months.

21st Feb 2010, 13:12
Alan l - are you one of the [ex] members of staff? My point in that posting is that if you are no longer accepting payment (ie fired) then you have my every sympathy and may your god go with you.

If you are accepting payment from AFT then you should be smoothing the passage for the students who, it would seem, have been treated disgracefully and deserve more than a 'sorry guv, limited conpany (sic) law applies' response that is almost inevitable in these situations.

Your admonishment emoticon is very irritating, by the way. Please do not use it.

Alan l
21st Feb 2010, 14:58
Wheelbrace,to imply that anyone who is currently working at AFT is a 'shyster' is totally out of order and an insult to very hard working and concientious staff,please refrain from its continued use.

Where do you get the idea from that the staff don't care what is happening to the students?

None of the students who have so far posted on this forum have complained about the staff at the company,far from it.

21st Feb 2010, 18:09
Wheelbrace - with respect - you do not understand the situation at AFT - you may not have read my previous posts - this is not a normal company run by normal people - this is a company flailing about in a raging inferno of lunacy - the CEO is an Arab who has no regard for British laws or the care or consideration of his staff or students - UNLESS they are sponsored cadets from Middle eastern airlines - you therefore should not comment on these matters - I repeat the sentiments of most on these posts - the staff at AFT are professional, caring people who are devastated at what this means for themselves and for their students and will remain so until the fat lady sings! So please stop commenting on what should be - it is not - just accept the word of those who know

22nd Feb 2010, 10:16
I've just heard (via a report from an examiner) that AFT have shut their doors and ceased operating. Does anyone know if this is true or not?

22nd Feb 2010, 15:11
Follow the link http://www.pprune.org/middle-east/349395-ayla-aaa-jordan-23.html

22nd Feb 2010, 15:40
I'm not sure that that link makes it any more clear.

22nd Feb 2010, 19:08
That's good to hear.

25th Feb 2010, 19:35
Can anyone give me an informed update please on what is happening at AFT. Is the move to Doncaster happening? Is the FTO taking on new students? I've sent an email but had no reply.


5th Mar 2010, 22:19
Manxcatt, if you are planning to begin flight training you would be making a huge mistake to train their. The posts about the CEO/Chairmain/whatever he pretends to be are accurate.

He has no regard for UK laws and he is a bully who will smile and shake your hand to take your money but don't take that as any sort of commitment from him. He is out for number 1 only.

The staff have been trying to do their best and he has :mad: on them for their efforts. It clearly is not the school it once was nor is it a school worthy of the efforts the staff have put in.

Expect the acronym to survive only.

5th Mar 2010, 22:27
All too accurate wf.

There once was a great staff who worked hard to deliver an oustanding product to their customers. The numbers are dwindling fast.

Just look at the number of extremely qualified people who have come and gone from there and the thing they all have in common is actually his incompetence.

Question for you (or anyone considering working for or attending AFT):

On what planet does it make sense to take a GI who is not qualified to be HoT for either school and has no experience managing people, then promote him to a ficticious position as GTM (both schools) so that two qualified HoTs answer to him? :ugh:

Fly By 2002
10th Mar 2010, 13:45
Manxcatt... Stay well clear of AFT/AYLA,

From the looks of what i have read on this thread and a bit of digging around myself AFT/AYLA are not a company that i would invest my money in.

The management are a bunch of "cowboys" and are very incompetent. As manfromatlantis pointed out.. no regard for UK law!! From as early as i remember the management seem to favor their foreign students and give them priority over UK students, both in flying and ground school. They also dont treat their staff too well either.

However, all this said, i would like to point out that all the instructors are very professional, I just hope the name AFT/AYLA will not ruin their professional reputation.

From what i have heard AFT/AYLA is moving to Doncaster but it could oporate under the name AYLA and not AFT. But dont be fooled... same company, same owners.

Does anybody know what is happening to the current students who are at AFT, I understand a lot if not all of them are sponsored by various Airlines? Are they going to Doncaster too?

Fly By 2002

10th Mar 2010, 20:05
HELLO...Anyone there? If anyone reads this let me know ASAP...Please!:ok: Got barred from the forum by our Forum friendly (If you don't like what I say and respond as such, I BAR YOU) Moderator The Wee Wonder Won. :mad:

Do have a little interesting news with regard AFT/AYLA.:suspect:

12th Mar 2010, 08:52
Yesterday i received a refund from AFT for the course , thankfully , Bristol course should be here Monday , happy days again !

Big thanks to MW @ AFT for sorting it all out and Alex and Noush at Bristol for arranging the course so expediently :ok:

15th Mar 2010, 10:36
Excellent news - I can only assume that Testingpilot's buddies saw satisfaction from Alan L and his team.

15th Mar 2010, 12:35
I am testing's buddy , the other 2 guys were also reimbursed. I'm just glad the nightmare is over and look forward to passing with Bristol , the PM's i have received would suggest i have made the best decision with BG.

In reference to the 'slurr's' that appear to be directed to the staff earlier on in the thread this is nothing further from the truth , they were both excellent and professional in delivering the course and as of the 6th March still had not been given any official notice that the groundschool was closing !

I am relieved im out of it but feel for those still there !

27th Mar 2010, 20:10
Just found out about the demise of AFT. The staff at Coventry, when I left in June 2009, were a damn good bunch if a bit naive. I wish them all, both admin and groundschool, well. Also my numerous Kuwaiti sons deserve lots of praise. God bless you all.

27th Mar 2010, 22:13
Please expand on your mail ........ Naive? Your Kuwaiti sons deserve praise?

29th Mar 2010, 09:14
In my two odd years with AFT, downwind24, I have nothing but praise for all the staff. In June 09 redundancies were made and the writing was on the wall then especially when the new CEO was given to them from Jordan. I sincerely hope JK,JS and GtheN and the others find something soon.