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View Full Version : Jet Airways -- Is it safe?

10th Feb 2010, 05:06
Hello all,

This is my first post on PPruNe. I've always been quite a nervous flier, and this site has been a valuable source of information and, at times, reassurance. So, thanks everyone for the great site.

I have a flight from Riyadh - Mumbai - Bangkok later this evening, and I am absolutely terrified. If I fly with a Western airline, I am usually quite calm and trust the competence of the crew. However, when flying with non-Western airlines, such as Jet Airways, my fear knows no bounds. I begin worrying about the flight a good 10 days before I'm due to fly, and the flight itself is spent in a state of sheer panic (dulled by a bit of Xanax if possible).

I am somewhat fanatical in reading about aviation safety (or lack of, as the case might be). I know all the statistics: Jet Airways has never had a fatal crash, the Boeing 737-800 is the second safest aircraft in the world, only 800 (apprx.) people die per year in crashes with sizable aircraft, and the odds of dying in a crash are (for most reputable airlines) far less than one in a million.

And yet, these statistics mean nothing to me once I'm actually on the plane - particularly when the plane encounters a bit of turbulence, and particularly when I'm flying with an airline whose safety record is relatively unproven.

So my question is: Is Jet Airways safe? Was the "prank" back in October indicative of more serious safety problems within the airline? Is Jet actually more reliable than, say Indian Airways, which has a pretty atrocious safety record?

Thank you in advance for any replies.

Final 3 Greens
10th Feb 2010, 05:54

I have flown Jet a few times and the experience was just like flying with a western airline, except that the seats were bette.r and the service more attentive.

Take a deep breath, enjoy your flight and come back on here and tell us how you got on.

I am also in Riyadh at the moment :ok:

10th Feb 2010, 06:10
Thanks for that. Sorry to hear you're trapped in Riyadh as well, but hopefully you'll manage to escape soon.

At least the weather is looking good for the flight -- I've been checking the satellite photos for the last week or so.

10th Feb 2010, 08:50
If you want something to be "absolutely terrified" about, then I suggest you save your Xanax for the drive from Bangkok airport.

Quote from Prime Minister about Thai Road Safety:
Mr Abhisit was addressing a seminar of the Network for Road Safety held in Bangkok this morning.
The prime minister said more than 12,000 people were killed in road accidents last year, an average of 33 road deaths a day

Ouote from Which? magazine re Jet Airways:
In July 2008, Which? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Which%3F) magazine ranked Jet Airways as the world's best long-haul airline after Singapore Airlines (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singapore_Airlines)

10th Feb 2010, 09:10
Yes the Thai roads certainly are chaotic. Statistics like the one you've cited really underscore just how illogical a fear of flying is.

10th Feb 2010, 12:45
I have flown Jet a number of times in the last twelve months and they are very good - no complaints at all and in particular the cabin service is excellent.

I was normally flying Jet domestic in and out of Mumbai on slightly older 737 metal - my only complaints were horrendous ATC delays into Mumbai for domestic, though it never seemed particularly bad for international flights.

As others have said, its the roads of Mumbai or Bangkok that will get you before Jet Airways will!

10th Feb 2010, 22:11
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/i6rP98A6BCA&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/i6rP98A6BCA&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

19th Feb 2010, 14:07
Well I've now been to Bangkok and back and I have nothing positive things to say for Jet. Extremely professional service from start to finish, and all four legs were nearly free from turbulence. It was reassuring to have what sounded like an American pilot on at least one of the flights (Mumbai - Riyadh).

It also didn't hurt that I was bumped up to business class. :ok:

Anyway, if all flights went as smoothly as these I would have absolutely no fear of flying.

Wannabe Flyer
22nd Feb 2010, 04:29
Well I've now been to Bangkok and back and I have nothing positive things to say for Jet.

Anyway, if all flights went as smoothly as these I would have absolutely no fear of flying.

A Bit contradictory??? I am assuming you meant to say nothing BUT positive things

I would concur sometimes simple straight forward service is all one wants