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9th Feb 2010, 04:49
My machine told me it was time to compress my E mail folders, it has done this many times before without any problems, however, for some reason this time all my inbox mail from the 26/10/09 has disappeared.

Can anybody point me in the right direction to go looking for these inbox mails?? there was a few good funnies, and some photo's I would like to get back. Tks.

henry crun
9th Feb 2010, 07:02
Try this thread http://www.pprune.org/computer-internet-issues-troubleshooting/359786-pprune-email-everyone-net.html

PS: My post presumes you are referring to the defunct Pprune email program.

9th Feb 2010, 07:22
Operating system? Email Programme?

Muffin Themule
9th Feb 2010, 08:50
Come on, BOAC. Anyone offering help on the terribly difficult and arcane subject of computers must be equipped with a crystal ball. Have you lost yours? :rolleyes:

9th Feb 2010, 10:27
Not just the crystal...........................:).

Saab Dastard
9th Feb 2010, 13:40
Given the "compacting" mentioned, I suspect Outlook Express.

OE stores its folders as *.dbx files in C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Local Settings\Application Data\Identities\{XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX}\Microsoft\Outlook Express.

There may be more than 1 identity per username - Default main identity, plus any email aliases.

There is a hard limit of 2GB on the .dbx files that OE uses to store messages. Every folder is subject to this limit, but the inbox and sent items are particularly prone to becoming corrupted and losing mail.

Search the MS website (and google) for recovery suggestions.

You can try creating a new mail identity and import all the messages from the above location into it to see if the missing messages can be found (New identity to prevent c**king up the existing). If so, then identify the folder and selectively import it into the correct identity.

File / Import / Messages / OE6 / Import from Store Directory / Browse to path above / selected folders.


9th Feb 2010, 21:47
Operating system, Windows XP, and it is Outlook Express.

Thanks Saab Dastard, that bit of information will keep me busy for an hour or two trying to track down the missing E mails.

10th Feb 2010, 15:28
I think we have had this topic before on this forum. I recall that too large an 'inbox' causes the problem. Yes, a search using 'compacting' found 2 threads. This one (http://www.pprune.org/computer-internet-issues-troubleshooting/356391-lost-emails.html) came up searching for 'Outlook Express'.

Here is the M$ solution (http://www.microsoft.com/communities/newsgroups/en-us/default.aspx?dg=microsoft.public.windows.inetexplorer.ie55.o utlookexpress&tid=16aed4de-f2d7-48d6-8db1-50010db6d251&cat=en_US_f6bf3e48-80fc-4f94-9b7b-9981e1357208&lang=en&cr=US&sloc=&p=1) to recovering the emails