View Full Version : SVT

8th Feb 2010, 20:26
Hi all,

I've just been diagnosed with Supra ventricular tachycardia, the abnormal heart rate thing. Question is of course, having almost completed a UK PPL, is it a license ending condition? I've heard about the ablation procedure also, if I did have the rug pulled out from under me would this be something that could get me re certified?

Many thanks in advance!

Thames virtual
10th Feb 2010, 17:13
here's the official CAA medical page on the subject
Heart - Rapid heart rhythms (such as the Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome) and their treatment (ablation procedures) | Medical | Safety Regulation (http://www.caa.co.uk/default.aspx?catid=49&pagetype=90&pageid=1182)

There's a number of possible causes of SVT so the implications depend on which cause it is. As you will see from the link there are some where you can get a full Class 1/class 2 medical after successful ablation.

You'll need expert advice on this one. Good luck!


air pig
10th Feb 2010, 18:58

You need to speak with a specialist who deals with arrhythmias, have you any precipitating factors such as alcohol or caffeine consumption, is it induced by exercise or stress.

How did you know you had developed an SVT and where you symptomatic with it.

Many questions and many different answers, but as I said at the start, you need to speak with a cardiologist who specialises in arrhythmia management not a general physician or a non specialised cardiologist. Ablation is a big step and there are many different tests and treatment modalities before then.


Air pig.

12th Feb 2010, 20:49
Thanks everyone for some very helpful replies, I have now seen the doctor who has referred me to a cardiologist. My medical has however been suspended, though to be fair I suspected this would be the case! :{ I now have to jump through some caa shaped hoops to get re certified, one being an exercise test to a standard known as the bruce protocol. Ill let you know what else comes of it, who knows it may be useful to anyone else out there!

air pig
15th Feb 2010, 18:11

Have fun with the exercise test, had one, damm hard work. The treadming is the same as you would get in any good gym just a little more sophisticated. It's increasing speed against increasing gradient whilst attached to an ECG machine and they take your blood pressure at the same time. Average length of the test is approx 12 minutes. Had to sit for a couple of minutes to recover and needed a towel to dry off, and I was fairly fit at the time.

Good luck with it


Air pig

15th Feb 2010, 21:37
I have alot of experience of VT. I had ablation to try and cure it in 2006. This had some success and I was given a class 1 (oml) after regular 24 hr Holters and exercise ECG's (9 mins minimum to the Bruce protocol). Then in 2008 it came back and I had a second go at ablation, this was a much better attempt and was reissued a class 1(oml) at the begining of 2009. Still need regular 24hr Holters and exercise ECG's, also need to go to Gatwick for regular meetings with one of their cardiologists.
I am going back to Gatwick in March for the tests and the meeting.
If you have any questions feel free to PM me.