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View Full Version : URGENT: Ryanair Type Rating

6th Feb 2010, 18:05

I really want to fly for Ryanair but I don't have enough money to pay for the Type Rating. I need to make some cash quickly to do it because a pilot shortage is coming very soon (my flight school told me that). So I'm trying to sell one of my kidney (50 g's should do it). If anyone's interested contact me by pm. I would have asked my parents but I have already bankrupted them for my integrated course.

Take it easy.

6th Feb 2010, 18:10
Feeling cynical??? or just lost the edge? :-)

6th Feb 2010, 18:17
For Christ's sake grow a pair and stop paying for your training. You are why this industry is in the gutter; if the airlines are short and you all stop paying for it, they will bond you properly without you fronting thier costs for them. Be patient and go for a turboprop first or you will be bored after a few years in the same seat for the rest of your days.

6th Feb 2010, 18:19
A kidney?????

You loose a kidney now to fly for ryr....
then you loose ur dignity & sence of pride in your job as a pilot,
then you loose your sence of worth as an employee,
then you watch the morale fall apart all round you,
then u loose that sence of joy u once had in flying...

...the icing on the cake is to see your take-home pay piss away increasingly , hand over fist, as RYR management use you like an ATM MACHINE, and watch your conditions & career quality being slashed remorselessly before your eyes!

A kidney is only the start my friend in this cancerous airline

Lafyar Cokov
6th Feb 2010, 18:27
...........there again there are those who believe irony is something to do with pressing clothes.

6th Feb 2010, 18:30
Piss away your pay - with only one kidney your pissing capacity is halved, performance reduced by three quarters. How do AMEs regard this? No point in having a RYR TR and a medically suspended license.

Take up plumbing - you'll able to take the piss and laugh at the same time!

6th Feb 2010, 18:33
Nicely done, sir! :D

After City's loss to Hull today, I needed that! :ok:

6th Feb 2010, 18:49
Fish........ Barrel :D :D :D

6th Feb 2010, 19:21
Please tell me you thought you would write that as a joke !!!!

Selling a kidney to work for RYANAIR. :ugh:

A post earlier on got it spot on. When Pilots stop paying for type ratings airlines will have to start bonding for training. :ok:

6th Feb 2010, 19:47
You all don't seem to know how this biz work: I'll be missing a kidney just for a few months. As soon as I'm a pilot for Ryanair I'll be rich and I'll buy a new kidney from a wannabe following my steps. You see it's totally safe. It's not like we are in a double dip recession.....

6th Feb 2010, 20:09
I love it. :D:D:D

Have you considered prostitution.......oh wait you need the cash to sign up to this.

On a more serious note i guess i owe these zero to hero for 30 odd thousand a thank you. Your money has helped supplement many off the cheap return tickets i have gladly used and also ye are now going to help pay my salary. A big cheers for me.....now wheres my passport for that ryr cheap flight where the f/o paid for the type rating and may not have been paid for 5 months due to no pay until line training. :}

6th Feb 2010, 20:13
Please tell me this is a joke!!!!!!:uhoh: A kiddney for a stupid TR with Ryanair:{

6th Feb 2010, 20:17
nice joke,my friend, but today it is not 1st of april...........

6th Feb 2010, 20:18

6th Feb 2010, 20:35
YouTube - Ryanair Comedy Song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_nqwAKCq-Q)

6th Feb 2010, 20:35
FFS, here we go again, will somebody close this nonsense down.

Guys ,if there is no better way to spend your time than re-registering for an dodgy login with pprune, then tbh you really deserve not to be doing the aviation.

Go wash some planes, backseat, play flight sim, do somthing. Get a hobby, get (a different) job, go exploring, go on an adventure, help someone, go shopping with the mrs. :ugh:

All this nonsense for a job.

Pull yoursleves together. Thanks:ugh:

7th Feb 2010, 00:09
I think he's throwing a log onto the fire guys and you lot are falling for it badly. He's wanting to see the type of reaction he gets to a stupid posting such as this, note it is his second post! :ok:

Parents bankrupt, ouch.... why a kidney, I know something better you could sell, the brain. :} :D

Get a job that pays well and work 7 days a week. I'm doing that soon to fund my training!

Moderator, delete this pointless thread.

"Next" (ding)

7th Feb 2010, 00:29
haha based on blackreds post i can only make an educated guess and presume it took him 5 months to get from basecheck to safety pilot release.. no wonder he's so sour..

7th Feb 2010, 01:30
Crikey, a substantial percentage taking this ****e on board and believing it!

I used to worry about the amount of competition in this industry, but looking at some of the replies here, it's the quality few to worry about as opposed to the gormless masses...

Cheers to the original poster, most enjoyable. :cool:

7th Feb 2010, 01:35
Pilot shortage? Ha..............haha..................hahahahahahhahhahahaha ........... If I owned a flight school I'd be spreading the same manure.

pilot shortage? did I say hahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahah

7th Feb 2010, 06:11
I had a fruit-juice with an FR f/o last week near BHX and showed him my payslip from March 1989. (Newly appointed F27 f/o... and the company paid for the TR too) Net take-home pay £1218.44 and no loans or bond to repay.

That was over 20 years ago guys...


Cheers anyway. bm.

7th Feb 2010, 07:41
I hope the worrying proportion of people who appeared to take the OP in any way seriously have better skill interpreting the WX radar than they do the trolls.

7th Feb 2010, 19:09
Thanks - I needed that this weekend! One possibility (although it may take a bit longer to raise the cash) is to find somewhere that needs "fluid" donations? I believe the going rate is £25...

7th Feb 2010, 19:13
But you can only donate a few times otherwise there would be some risks in concentrating the gene pool. So, max funds raised would be under a few hundred quid.



7th Feb 2010, 19:51
and just as long as those that took the original post seriously don't contribute their genes, the risks to the gene pool might just be too great:p

7th Feb 2010, 20:06
Do you know exactly what's involved? Apart from any thing, quite err invasive STD checks and tests..
It's about £25 a shot up to a specific quantity..

7th Feb 2010, 22:28
Whirlygig - a solution to this issue could be to combine a few 300 mile navex.s around the country, with deposits at each stop. As an aside, you could use the receipts as proof of travel to the CAA when applying for the CPL. Just a thought.

Torque Tonight
7th Feb 2010, 22:44
Some people are just so damn thick that they really ought to be euthanazed for the good of society, and I'm talking about those that took the original post seriously here, not the originial poster himself (although I have a sneaking feeling that he too may be clinically stupid). Now... everyone back on the Sunshine Bus!

BoeingMEL - you carry around with you payslips from 1989 and show them to people who are just trying to have a quiet drink? You must be a riot at parties.:ok:

8th Feb 2010, 11:39
I gather there are also product quality issues if too many donations are made - much like pay to fly FOs :E

8th Feb 2010, 11:41
.... I dug out the payslip because my FR friend didn't believe what I told him 2 weeks before... :bored:

8th Feb 2010, 12:10
Funniest Ryanair post I've read!

8th Feb 2010, 12:15
Maybe after I upgrade and make the big bucks, I can get some decent plastic surgery to cover up my "First Officer tattoo"


Sweet Potatos
8th Feb 2010, 12:18
Hilarious thread. Love it.

The original poster is offering a "kidney transplant" and around half of the "serious" posters have already had a "sense of humour transplant".


8th Feb 2010, 13:26
It will probably be an added selling point at the ryr/ezy interview. I will pay for my type rating, sacrifice my rights as a permenant employee by being a contractor AND i'm also lighter as i only have one kidney therefore less fuel burn!!
I wonder is this what Cor meant by flexibilty, the willingness to sacrifise body parts.

It's all about bigger picture stuff chaps:ok:

luvly jubbly
8th Feb 2010, 13:41
But you guys don't seem to understand.... The pilot shortage IS coming... Oxford told me it would, in 1999:mad:

PS. I have 5000hr TT, B737/B757/B767 worldwide ACMI & ETOPS experienced pilot. Take home pay in Jan 2010 = £257.20
(Jobseekers allowance):ouch:

Very few opportunities for FOs due to Cadets being hired instead.... Keep up the laughs on here boys. It's the only thing keeping me going right now!


8th Feb 2010, 14:56
luvly jubly: Do you not have a substantial amount of PIC time in any of the jets you listed? If that is the case, then quite correct...you are ****** and it will be difficult to gain employment ever again because you will have to take a backseat to the cadet. The cadet is definately more attractive financially to the TRTO, are they not? High time FO's are about as attractive as Flight Engineers in today's world.

8th Feb 2010, 17:10
This is the reason this forum is going down the tube....
Moderators have a bit of cop on and take this :mad: pointless threads off,

8th Feb 2010, 17:55
Thats how alot of people feel about the ryr/ezy pay to fly threads irishpilot.If you don't like it son, don't read it.

A mate of mine who is a capt in ryr told me today that due to the ryr cadet 'zero to hero' for 34k schemes, cadet now stands for Cash Available Donor for Each Type rating:}

8th Feb 2010, 18:49
luvly jubbly: How many kidneys do you have?

luvly jubbly
8th Feb 2010, 19:56
1 less now.... I was thinking of going Airbus. How much for a lung??:ooh:


8th Feb 2010, 20:04
I guess it depends whether you are a smoker or not?You will probably get alot more for a matching pair....enough to pay for a 737 rating and the accountant fees to setup that company!:ok: