View Full Version : Oxford Aviation Academy

6th Feb 2010, 10:00
Good morning,

I'm french, currently studying ATPL theory in a french FTO, and I would like feedbacks about Oxford Aviation Academy where I'm thinking about getting my MECPL + IR .

I'm already PPL, do you know if I could use it in the UK ? it's a JAA PPL but delivered in France.

Best regards


6th Feb 2010, 11:01
Yes it is the best place to train, to make sure your training will be the most expensive in the UK! Excellent place to throw away money, if you have more then you need.

6th Feb 2010, 11:53
You need to go and have a look at the rule books and see if you can actually do what you intend to do.

You used to have to do the cpl in the country that you did your theory exms through. Then in theory you could add the IR in any Jar country you like.

But i suspect there maybe local regulations preventing you doing this.

The whole French converstion thing can be frought with paper work and regulations.

Your french ppl will have no problems in the uk.

Once you have all the legalities sorted out then come back for advise on schools. There are many good ones in the UK.

6th Feb 2010, 13:03
OAA has some french students doing various courses including MCC and JOT. I am sure you could contact them for their views, probably via OAA.

6th Feb 2010, 14:51
Yes French ATPL will not be possible in the UK, you will need to do the theory exams in the UK. I doubt they will allow the use of theory exams in France in UK. ATPL theory must be same country as the CPL.

Advice, look for good schools with a fair price!

6th Feb 2010, 17:01
Thanks a lot for all your answers ! So I must have my CPL in France, I can't take it in the UK because I got my theory in France?

It's JAA ATPL I thought that I could .

6th Feb 2010, 20:41
You need special permission with the 2 CAA's, and normally you must have valid/very good reason why you want to do it this way.
You need to do your ATPL theory in the UK for CPL UK. To be sure contact UK and French CAA, however I doubt the french will allow for it!

6th Feb 2010, 20:59
and what the hell does doing a tick in the box course of MCC or JOT have to do with getting a license rogerg?

6th Feb 2010, 22:30
mad jock,

and what the hell does doing a tick in the box course of MCC or JOT have to do with getting a license rogerg? The OP asked for peoples' feedback regarding OAA. In this case it's a very good idea to speak to somebody currently training there or recently finished, which is what rogerg suggested and provided information for.

Play nice. :ok: