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View Full Version : Pilot Salaries

4th Feb 2010, 13:07
I posted this in response to a thread about GEX salaries, but I think it might be appropriate to make it a thread all its own. Regarding what each of us gets paid for the type of aircraft we fly, here is my thought on the subject:

It all comes down to who you work for and what they are willing to pay, and what you are willing to work for, as well as the conditions of your employment (how nice is the job and the person or company you work for?).

I fly a CL604 based in the UK, and I am paid $163,000 USD, or at today's exchange rate, 102,000 GBP, or 117,000 Euro. I get $120/day per diem when away from base (75 GBP or 85 Euro). Although I have been told that I should be paid more, as I am the Chief Pilot as well as the Captain on the 604 (and have a lot of office type duties), the owner is very nice most of the time, and I have good layovers with an easy flying schedule (25 hours/month max and spend a lot of time hanging out in Cannes). I think my salary is more than reasonable. The only thing that I don't like is that I'm paid in US dollars, which can be bad when the exchange rate fluctuates against the dollar and you are paying all your bills in GBP.

What are some of you being paid for the type of aircraft you are flying, and where are you based? I think if a lot of us put that info forward, we would all have a better understanding of the market and what we can reasonably expect for salary on the different types of aicraft in various geographical locations. Where you are based or live does have a bearing on what is an appropriate salary, so I would expect to see some differences relative to that issue.

4th Feb 2010, 13:35
That is the way of it with any job, not just what we do. If every pilot who interviewed for a job that offered a lower than standard salary, whatever that is, then employers would be forced to raise salaries. That is an example of "market forces". Have you seen what contract "heavy" pilots are getting these days? I am amazed how little they get, but I guess there must be a lot of 737, 757, 767, and Airbus pilots available and willing to work if those salaries are so low!

When considering whether your pay is adequate or appropriate, you also have to consider any benefits that come with your employment, such as time off (do you get any and is it scheduled), holidays (same thing), paid training (or do you pay your own), standard of accomodation on the road, expenses (how are they paid or re-imbursed), the ability to commute (or not), etc.

There are so many factors to consider when comparing one job to another, and salary is only one part of it.

4th Feb 2010, 17:45
Up until recently I was gainfully employed and thought my salary could certainly have been better. Now, checking the job sites daily, I can only say that given the chance I would love to be back in my previous situation. I would now jump at the chance to fly for even less than before as I watch my savings shrinking week by week. A bird in the hand.............., The other mans grass....................... :\

Global Warrior
4th Feb 2010, 17:55
A word of warning here chaps. Mate of mine flying big shiny savannah Jet based in Middle East flies to a UK airport. Boss disembarks saying he wants to take of at 1230 tomorrow back to his very large sand pit.......... 2 minutes later ops guy walks up the stairs and gives both pilots their dear john letter. No notice..... instant dismissal................. why........... the boss had found 2 yanks that would do the same job for less.

Smooth flying guys

(wikkid man innit ;-)

4th Feb 2010, 18:12
Keith what is your roster like?


6th Feb 2010, 04:42
Mutt, I have many friends on both sides of the pond who are out of a job, and just as has been mentioned here before, they wish they could be back in an old job, the one they thought wasn't so great until they lost it or left it. We are selling off one of our smaller aircraft, and currently are only planning to keep our CL-604, and I have two full time and one part time pilot for it. There's a lot of good pilots out there, and I wish I could offer all of them a job, but I'll be happy just to hang on to mine. My duties and responsibilities keep growing, and I do not get any more salary for it, but I am happy to have the opportunity to work harder and keep my job and pay my bills.

I know that there are pilots who would happily work for less to get my job, but in the end, its up to the owner to decide whether the corner he cuts on salary is worth the risk of possibly having a less proficient and efficient crew holding his life and the life of his loved ones and business associates and guests in their hands....


8th Feb 2010, 11:52
Good thread

Indeed; in the current environment I am very blessed to have a job at all. Salary is enough. One always would like a little more but with so many freinds etc out of a job (not just aviation) I have little to gripe about. In fact, nothing at all. I really cannot fault my circumstances even if they are a little modest and monastic.

Its worth re-setting the CB on the issue of salaries and also ask ourselves what is of real value in our lives. I'd certainly appreciate more flying but thats not going to happen at present so whilst I am cash adequate I am time rich.

Voluntary work in the community is very good for the soul. Then you see how the other half lives (only just in many cases). My only source of grey hairs is ex wife who secured a court order for maintenance that currently equates to a little over 71% of my net salary. She insists I pay. I cannot.

But I have a job that I like and a great bunch of work collegues, good freinds and my health. Life is good :ok: