View Full Version : Converting Recording From Mp3 To Cd

31st Jan 2010, 13:42
Some years ago a friend who works for a BBC radio center put 26 Albums of the BEATLES on to ONE CD (there are some rare ones) but unfortunately the are in MP3 mode.
I know they will use a lot of disks but HOW can I convert into CD mode. Whenever I put it on at the moment it will not let me do anything else but I am loath to get rid of it.
Has anyone got ANY suggestions (beside getting stuffed ???) :confused::confused::confused:

31st Jan 2010, 14:12

31st Jan 2010, 14:14
There are gazillions of programmes out there to do exactly what you need, and you'll even have them yourself.

The most famous one is "Nero Burning Rom" (it comes with most PC's), and then, of course, you have WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER which, in it's latest incarnation, allows you to burn mp3 to CD so the CD works like a proper CD.

31st Jan 2010, 16:01
Download iTunes -- it is free!

Listen to all your mp3s on that.

Give it a fair, unbiased try.

You just may enjoy it!!

:ok: :)

31st Jan 2010, 17:10
Other than easier access to a specific "disk", what would be the benefit of converting back to CD? Conversion to MP3 has already lost some quality, which won't be recovered by conversion back to CD. You might even get into a dueling sampling rate situation.

Don't most modern CD players do MP3 as well?

1st Feb 2010, 11:39
If it's e.g. to play in the car, be aware that some car stereos will not accept "burned" discs as an anti-piracy measure. Yes, it's silly.

Apart from that, I second the Windows Media Player idea. Here's (http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows7/Burn-a-CD-or-DVD-in-Windows-Media-Player) a tutorial for the Windows 7 version, and you may be able to find more details for other versions on the same Microsoft site. Don't go near iTunes unless you have to i.e. you have an Apple iPod - it's a pig.

1st Feb 2010, 13:40
You don't need to use I tunes for the iPhone/Pod, you can use MediaMonkey. (http://www.mediamonkey.com/) That said I don't have any problem with iTunes....