View Full Version : Helicopter history book

24th Jan 2010, 16:35
Looking for a good helicopter history book(s) (particularly dealing with european machines up to current eurocopter products)
I spend the last 20 years on fixed wing and have plenty of history on all the fixed wing and powerplants I have worked with. They gave a great background on why the machine where designed the way the where and the people behind the machines. For example The RR historic series for most engines are brillant (I worked the Dart)

I have since moved over to rotorcraft. With rotors I have noticed a lack of history (and I have searched amazon etc) or am I missing something.

24th Jan 2010, 16:59
M.R.H.Uttley, Westland and the Br. Helicopter Industry,1945-60,Cass,2001. Politics and business; Fairey/Westland links to US.
R.G Bedford, RAF Rotors, SFB,1996. Hoverfly to the 1965 Anglo-French package; hands-on practical.