View Full Version : what next for the B1

22nd Jan 2010, 14:02
Any ideas of what an ambitious b1/b2 should be doing to further him/herself on the career ladder. Also what jobs above LAE are worth considering?

Just interested to see what people think.

22nd Jan 2010, 14:52
maybe try to get much types as possible in both families ...
jobs above LAE ............... there is some ?

23rd Jan 2010, 16:24
Piano Player in a Whorehouse

24th Jan 2010, 10:04
After 30 plus years of fixing aircraft and maintenance shortfalls, now called a restricted B1 technician, the best advise to anyone thinking of being a B1 or B2 Technicain is to look at whats on offer, pay wise, there are to many new guys who do not have a clue what they are doing, fresh from school/college that have no family commitments taking the contracts offered, bringing down the pay scales as prepared to travel to some place on rubbish money, terms and conditions offered by the agencies who seem to be asking us to jump thru even higher hoops for less in our pockets and more in theirs just to get a contract. Shared accomodation, so you could travel as a family and be with them instead of the breif visits to where they are and not where you are. it now sucks big time.
Get Out before you are sat awaiting months on the sidelines, stuck with agencies who write ever bigger and more stupid clauses to them, reacent contrick, just in case you decide you have had enough.
look to computers or the best for sat on butt, go into the European Government for over paid, under worked wallies, long, endless holidays.

Miles Gustaph
24th Jan 2010, 16:37
...it all depends on what you want?
Do you want to be management?
Do you want to be a consultant? if so in what aspect of Aviation?
Do you want to turn spanners forever?

These are the sorts of questions that only you can answer... once you have an answer to them, or one of them, then it should be an easy matter to decide what to do next.

...that aside, if you have all the types you need to do your job, like where you live etc, and don't know what to do next, why not go for one of the Masters (Msc) in Aviation Management, Safety etc... as the older member of our industry who were born just after the war retire there will be some good opportunities for well qualified people, lets face it there's a shortage of engineers, so it follows that there cannot be that many people with MBA's Msc etc making them suitable for management in a modern aviation business environment.

Do the work now for the place you want to be in a few years time.