View Full Version : Royal Air Forces Association

17th Jan 2010, 10:27
I understand that the Royal Air Forces Association provide considerable support to RAF families, older veterans and those ex-RAF members in need, through their welfare services. And it occurs to me to ask those members of PP who are members what they feel they get out of being a member of RAFA, and those who are not, what would induce them to join?

As we come up to our branch AGM in a few weeks, it would be really helpful to get some idea as to what we could do differently to attract more members at a branch level. Thanks.

sled dog
17th Jan 2010, 16:39
I am a Life Member,for four years Branch Secretary of an Overseas Branch. Apart from our annual Wings Appeal Ball, normally held in October, very little happens. We normally attract 180 + for the Ball, which enables us to raise a reasonable amount for RAFA. Why am i still a member ? To remember those that gave the ultimate sacrifice that i may lead the free life that i do. Once " Light Blue, always Light Blue ". I do feel, however, that some of the older members should stop fighting the last war....
But unless RAFA embraces the modern world , i fear for its longterm survival. Through the Association i have made friends with some people who have held ranks far above those that i held, sometimes with surprising results ( " mine sweeping " in the early hours for left over wine with a Defence Attache at one Ball comes to mind ) . :cool: :eek:

17th Jan 2010, 22:36
How about a simple "welcome letter" when a person joins the local Branch?

I joined the RAFA while still serving about 10 years ago. I joined the local Brankc to where I was living because I had to out down one. I didn't know where the Branch location was or where it held it's meetings. Not to worry thinks me - they will be in contact to let me know. Still waiting and still not been to a meeting yet. Obviously I have found the place via the net but still not the same.

Had lots of letters since with raffle tickets etc so they know how I am and how to find me....