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Night Bandit
17th Jan 2010, 08:14

Many SA pilots from REX, Rossair, Cobham and others are mourning the tragic death of Greg who was killed in a motorcycle accident in the Adelaide Hills on Saturday 16th January 2010. Condolences go out to his family and many friends.

steve k
17th Jan 2010, 08:58
I knew Greg from when I was doing REX airlines catering in Adelaide a few years ago, a hell of a nice friendly guy and we chatted a number of times during the turnarounds, what a hell of a shock to learn of his death. He will be sadly missed by those who knew of him, worked with him and of course his family. Rest in peace mate. Sad to see you have gone, but at least you have passed on, doing one of the things you like doing, riding your bike. Most sincere condolences to the family and friends of Greg.

17th Jan 2010, 09:26
Very sad news, a terrific bloke and mate. Rest in peace GP.

17th Jan 2010, 10:03
The same Greg Pretty who road raced motorcycles quite competitively as an A Grader ( from memory ) ?

The Messiah
17th Jan 2010, 11:44
That's him. GP#64 was more than "quite competitive", he was an Australian Champion and a truly lovely man. Arriving at the pearly gates he would have said, "which way does the track go and what's the lap record?"

Condolences to all who loved and knew him......:(

17th Jan 2010, 21:12
Sincere condolences from a far less talented rider.

Two Wheeler
17th Jan 2010, 21:41
Very sad indeed.
No more chewing the fat with you mate. I enjoyed every minute of it.
Condolences to all involved.

17th Jan 2010, 23:43
Sad news,
Raced super bikes against him early 80's. a top bloke.
:( DM

Pinky the pilot
18th Jan 2010, 03:01
Arriving at the pearly gates he would have said, "which way does the track go and what's the lap record?"

That would be about right too.
RIP GP.:sad:

Super Cecil
18th Jan 2010, 03:37
"which way does the track go and what's the lap record?"
That's a Croz quote isn't it?

18th Jan 2010, 04:30

Didnt know GP well, but raced against him as well as sharing a career in Aviation in Adelaide.
He is a classic example of a bloke with passion.
Loved his riding clearly, and made friends where ever he went, in what ever industry.
You'll be very missed from Motorcycling, Aviation & Adelaide.:(

Sincere condolences to family and friends

18th Jan 2010, 05:47
When the original thread was pulled, I hoped against hope that it wasn't the Greg Pretty we all knew. Because I didn't have any knowledge of his sporting achievements, I thought maybe it was someone else. Alas, not to be.

I knew Greg through the Federation. What a lovely bloke, and a character. Those who knew him better I'm sure will testify to that. I can still see him at Convention, beer in hand and wearing that bloody Three Stooges Tie!

The World's a poorer place for your passing mate. I hope one day we'll meet again.


18th Jan 2010, 05:48
"If God takes our friends one by one, it is to transform them into the stars of our hope and our sky".

thank you Greg.

Dave Incognito
18th Jan 2010, 06:04
A great bloke caught by a really unfortunate circumstance. RIP GP...

The Messiah
18th Jan 2010, 06:20
That's a Croz quote isn't it?
Not originally but he certainly used it.

18th Jan 2010, 08:20
Shocked and very sad to read this post. I also knew Greg thru the Federation, it is people like him that work tirelessly to improve the lot of pilots, a great loss

Condolences to Gregs family.

I will have a red for old times sake, or maybe a few.

RIP mate


18th Jan 2010, 09:42
A great bloke caught by a really unfortunate circumstance.
Unfortunate??? There's nothing "unfortunate" about being a complete idiot, and crossing to the wrong side of the road, resulting in the inevitable head-on collision. Whether the other rider was cutting the corner, or travelling too fast for the bend, and went wide - he was guilty of slack driving skills, carelessness, and just plain stupidity.
Once again, as in so many road accidents, a fool takes a good, skilled man with him. Remember, if this other rider had survived, he would have faced manslaughter charges.
Here's more fools indulging in similar behaviour, and posting their idiocy on YouTube. It's obvious some of these clowns don't even have a basic understanding of what a double white line means ..... :ugh:

YouTube - Postie Bike Ride (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2XPT0uonc0&feature=related)

18th Jan 2010, 10:05
I am sickened by your callousness. Greg was a gentleman and a professional aviator to the last. regardless of HOW he passed, it is disgraceful for you to post such a disrespectful post.
greg was much admired by the aviation fraternity, and respected both in aviation and motorcycle circles alike. he was a gentleman, and aviator and a friend. I take offence to your post.

Super Cecil
18th Jan 2010, 10:15
He was refering to the other bloke Apache, who was on the wrong side of the road. I must say it was a senseless accident, entirely preventable.

18th Jan 2010, 10:18
Apache - Did I say that Greg Pretty was at fault? It's fairly obvious that the other rider was at fault. One would expect that a skilled rider such as Greg knew all about advanced riding skills and road rules - yet he appears to have been taken out by a fool who had neither riding skills, nor basic knowledge of road rules.

News article - AdelaideNow... Double fatality in the Adelaide Hills (http://www.news.com.au/adelaidenow/story/0,22606,26594966-5006301,00.html)

18th Jan 2010, 10:34
Bugger , I knew Greg very well.

I hung out with Greg many times at the Parafield Flying Club in the late 80's swapping stories and opinions over dinner on anything and everything. If you wanted a non politically correct opinion on any subject Greg was your man, he was so passionate about certain subjects you'd split your sides laughing trying to get him to calm down.

See you mate and thanks for the memories.

18th Jan 2010, 10:55
Cant properly find the words to describe the feeling in the old guts, but it aint good! Cheers Buddy, See ya when I get there. You always were quicker than me............:sad::sad::sad:

18th Jan 2010, 11:44
onetrack... forgive me if I have impugned you wrongly. I misunderstood your post. Greg was a GREAT bloke, a GREAT pilot and, from what I learned over the years, a great motorcyclist.

A little shook over his loss.....

18th Jan 2010, 12:36
It was months after I first met Greg that I found out he was a racing celebrity as I wasn't into bikes. I casually asked him how he lost his little finger on his right hand and he said he'd clipped a truck on the way home from somewhere on his road bike and somehow that got onto his racing career. Greg was well into flying then and we only touched on his racing career a few times in conversation and he never big noted himself, he was more interested in talking about aviation.

I had to do a bit of my own research to find out how bloody good he was.

I was doing my CPL at the time and Greg was always willing to talk me through a concept or problem (with his full on intensity) until I got it , it was never too much trouble or bother for him to help me out .

I think a great way for us to remember GP is to share some stories or memories that we've had over the years.

Reading some other posts it probably been years since a lot of us last saw Greg or even thought of him but reading this tonight brought back a lot of memories that 2 hours later still has me choked up (and other posters too). We all lose friends and some hit harder than others , I realised tonight what we all lost .

Peter Fanelli
18th Jan 2010, 13:09
I casually asked him how he lost his little finger on his right hand and he said he'd clipped a truck on the way home from somewhere on his road bike and somehow that got onto his racing career.

I remember being with him at the Parafield Flying Club when night just after his finger stump had healed from that and he observed that he now had the ability to turn to the bar and order two pints and a schooner just by holding up three (or two and a half) fingers.

18th Jan 2010, 13:16
Good story Peter ! :ok:


18th Jan 2010, 20:27
I had only heard of Greg as a Motorcycle Racer being an ex-one myself I never knew he was into flying.

Can someone give an insight on his flying career, I gather from these posts that he was an Instructor ???


Dave Incognito
18th Jan 2010, 20:55
Unfortunate??? There's nothing "unfortunate" about being a complete idiot, and crossing to the wrong side of the road, resulting in the inevitable head-on collision

It's unfortunate if you're on the correct side of the road and someone else who is out of control cuts your life short. I'll stand by my comment thanks.


Peter Fanelli
18th Jan 2010, 21:10
Greg spent some time as an instructor at Parafield, around the same time he was doing power line inspection in 172's from time to time.
His first break came when he went to work for Air Kangaroo Island.
From there he went to Cairns flying 421's and 404's but I'm not sure who that was for.
Next move was into Kendell Airlines staying there until I guess around 12 months ago.
After a while he was taken on by Rossair on the 441's until being laid off a couple of months ago. Since then I have heard he recently got into National Jet on the BAe 146 and had just been checked to line I guess in the last week or so.
The rest is....well what we all know now.

19th Jan 2010, 00:01
The assistance given to me and others by Greg was after his days as an instructor , he just had a genuine love for flying and was happy to pass on his knowledge to others if they asked , nothing was too much trouble or bother.

As many will know if GP liked you that was the sort of bloke he was.

19th Jan 2010, 03:11
Thankyou for that insight Peter, no doubt a man of many talents.

Regards AYD

Vintage Flyer
20th Jan 2010, 09:27
I know that sometime passion overtakes our fingers while typing but just to give some insight of the other rider involved in Gregs incident.
He was a school teacher who shared a passion for riding. He was very safety minded and a wonderful person.
Everybody that knew him can only think that there was some reason for him to be on the other side of the road.
Sometimes things just happen.

20th Jan 2010, 10:43
Having Greg as one of my Captains at Kendells in Adelaide made the job that much more enjoyable and fulfilling. What an absolute gentlemen and a great friend. He was so happy with his new appointment and looking forward to his new work path. What a terrible loss. My thoughts are with his family.

Rest in Peace GP, you will be missed


Peter Fanelli
23rd Jan 2010, 01:56

23rd Jan 2010, 03:57
And yet another aspect of Greg's life where he was a champion ... aeromodelling

Greg Pretty:
Greg is a multi record holder in Goodyear and is known for his passion for C/L's horsepower event, Open Rat Race. Also a former motorcycle ace, winning the Australian Unlimited title in 1979. Won Scale Racing at US Nats in 2004.

Look at the opposite lock in the photo above on No.28 , great photo , thanks for posting that Peter.

23rd Jan 2010, 05:22
Vale GP.
How many a night we had over KAPA & AFAP matters together some many moons ago.

23rd Jan 2010, 05:46
G.P's funeral in Adelaide today was attended by a very large group of his mates, the aviation group included ex Kendell/REX/Cobham aircrew, maintenance, traffic and ops as well as agents, the motorcycle racing fraternity arrived in large numbers as well as many reps from his aero/modelling clubs.
Greg didn't just excell in one field, he was admired for his perfection in anything he attempted. The guru's admirers were many but not all were able to make it to the funeral service so to those I would like to say he went off int he fast lane, I couldn't keep up with his hearse, I think he was in control again.
We are going to be opening a couple of reds for you tonight little fella.
stay ahead of the field mate.

Pinky the pilot
23rd Jan 2010, 09:46
Could not get to the funeral today and am rather upset for not being able to do so!

Raising a glass or three for him right now.

:mad::mad::mad: Why is it that it is always the really good blokes who get the chop way before their time?:confused::sad::{

Peter Fanelli
23rd Jan 2010, 12:21
Could not get to the funeral today and am rather upset for not being able to do so!
I feel the same way.

One thing about GP, whatever he got interested in he always gave everything he had. Mind you he would also make it quite clear where he stood on things he didn't approve of, such as radio control modeling and Harley Davidson's.

Diesel Fitter
23rd Jan 2010, 12:54
Thanks for the reminiscences and photos PF.

Hard to believe it's 30 yrs since he was pushing those Yammies around.

And harder still the stupid way he was lost while riding safe ...........:(

23rd Jan 2010, 14:00
Mind you he would also make it quite clear where he stood on things he didn't approve of, such as radio control modeling and Harley Davidson's.

Hi Peter, that's the GP that used to crack me up , he would get into 'Jack Russell' mode and tear that subject apart and only cold beer would snap him out of it.

Thanks to all those that attended Greg's funeral on behalf of those that couldn't make it.

He was a real character and we're all going to miss him.

A short clip from the ABC on Greg's funeral

Motorcycling champion farewelled - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) (http://www.abc.net.au/news/video/2010/01/23/2799712.htm)


25th Jan 2010, 08:12
I must have been the last person in the flying community to hear of GP's passing. I was totally floored when I heard the news from a work colleague today.

I have fond memories of flying with GP at Kendell and Rex and he was always good for a wind up and a laugh. A genuinely lovely bloke who I had many enjoyable flights and chats with as we flew around South Aus. It was so great to see him finally get his long awaited break into the jet world and now its such a tragedy to see it all taken from him.

My sincere condolences to his family and those that knew him and were close to him.

You were a true gentleman GP. You may have "shuddem down" one last time but you won't be forgotten.

Rest in Peace GP.
