View Full Version : The Future Is Now!

15th Jan 2010, 20:18
Forget TRSS, and shiny A320s - here is the future of piloting!

University of North Dakota offers world's first degree course in UAV piloting (http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2010/01/15/337144/university-of-north-dakota-offers-worlds-first-degree-course-in-uav.html)

16th Jan 2010, 12:38
so let me get this right, the pilot will fly the plane in the comfort of their own room, and u expect a paying pax sit onboard of a toy? :sad:

16th Jan 2010, 13:17
I don't get it. Who would want to learn how to NOT be in an airplane flying it? To learn how to NOT get the views, the g's etc? to NOT know other countries? And you have to pay for this???? If you think all this is good you must be a flight simmer with no real flying experience, or just want the money.:confused:

go around flaps15
16th Jan 2010, 13:44
Not for a very very long time.

16th Jan 2010, 14:46
There are currently first year UAV jobs out there paying $160k.

Maybe they are thinking ahead of everyone else

16th Jan 2010, 15:02
I think this will be coming sooner than most would believe.

A large freight carrier in the US is already in discussions with the FAA about it.

There are currently first year UAV jobs out there paying $160k.
It would most likely be in Afghanistan though .... I applied for just that job recently.

I'm reckoning on about 10 years before single pilot freight ops (with a second pilot being a "flight manager" who sits on the ground in an office monitoring hundreds of flights simultaneously). With pax flights 5 years beyond that.

go around flaps15
17th Jan 2010, 01:15
Passenger flights five years beyond that? :}

Not a hope.:rolleyes:

3rd Feb 2010, 21:31
OK...this is a interesting thead and I am thankful for it. Could you pass some info if this job is restricted to US nationals only or can anyone apply?



Muddy Boots
20th Feb 2010, 03:47
I love flying, but 160k beats fighting your way up through the regionals on 20k, if that!? Then not getting into what's left of the legacy carriers where the T & Cs have been eroded and there's no pension left.

It also beats paying for a type rating and line training too...

This could be the future, 20 years from now and you've got 20 years experience flying remotely what kind of salary are you going to be vs. coming to the party late and having to pay for your training?

You can work out the story from there...

20th Feb 2010, 16:43
Before this happens, it would have to happen on trains, (I know you already get unmanned trains) then it would have to be approved for ships, then the aircraft, But surely would you or other pax really want to get on a aircraft that is unmanned,