View Full Version : Clostridium difficile after antibiotics

15th Jan 2010, 15:43
Dear all,

The last few months has really been a mayhem for me and for my family. Personally I got prostatitis in december and had to eat antibiotics for almost three weeks, thereafter I got tonsilitis and new antibiotics. Last weekend I got trouble with the bowels, and today I received answer on the different tests. I got some kind of bacteria owergrowth of clostridium difficile in the colon which needs to be treated with som kind of antibiotic agains anerob bacterias.

Things is according to different internet sources I can see that it's not uncommon to again have a relapse in this infection once you've had it. I suspect that this is mostly for the eldery and those with serious deceases. But I ask you if anyone have personal experience (as sufferer or physician) on wether replase is common.

Thank you all


15th Jan 2010, 20:19
It's extremely likely in a young fit fella, that this will resolve eventually on it's own.

Mac the Knife
16th Jan 2010, 18:39
Overgrowth of c. difficile (it is normally present) or other commensal organisms, with resulting diarrhea and abdominal pain, is not uncommon in these days of broad-spectrum antibiotics. Clindamicin is classically associated, but it can occur after any prolonged broad-spectrum antibiotic treatment. As Ginge says, it usually resolves on it's own as the gut flora recovers and doesn't recur.

Considering the tons of antibiotics that people are routinely given for trivial actual or potential problems it is surprising that bowel upsets are not commoner. Admittedly they're usually short courses.

Rarely, severe c. difficile infections may result in pseudomembranous colitis with worse symptoms and actual illness (patient looks and feels really ill) from c. difficile toxins. Treatment is primarily with Flagyl (metronidazole). Recurrence is unusual but can happen.

There is little real evidence that probiotics like Inteflora reduce the incidence of antibiotic-associated colitis but patients (and lawyers) like the idea of taking 'em.




17th Jan 2010, 09:45
Even though I had no symptoms when the test results arrived (I see this as my immunesystem handled the infection quite well) my GP insisted on my taking 7 days of flagyl. Also got the advise to take probiotics - but hey, they give me nausea - so I'll probably quit taking them.

I've read that basicly if your not going towards having PMC-colitis one should let the body handle the bacteria, so I'm a bit puzzled on why my GP insisted on the Flagyl...

Go figure..