View Full Version : The End Of A Legend

14th Jan 2010, 07:47
Bournemouth Airport Ltd has acquired ownership of the one and only Conroy Guppy (ex N447T EI-BND 4K-GUP and 9G-LCA) For too long, the aircraft had been the centre of a family struggle in Australia and with unpaid parking charges rising monthly, BOH was forced to act. Alas, not before, all four Tyne engines were removed and shipped to Cairns were reports/rumour has it that they are to be fitted to the Belfast (stand by-a squadron of pigs has just flown overhead).
Whilst the CL44 Association would welcome the opportunity to discuss the preservation of the flight deck and a home for the spare Tyne & stand that sits in the cargo bay, it does NOT possess the finances required by the Airport. However, amongst our membership of 150 former pilots, engineers, ground staff AND former Canadair workers who were employed in the design and building of this unique aircraft-we feel we have unequalled expertise should a group or consortium wish to talk 'preservation' with us.

14th Jan 2010, 09:00
That is one heck of a property for Bournemouth airport. :}

It will probably cost them a considerable sum to get rid of it.

14th Jan 2010, 10:16
Which Bournemouth are we talking about here? Hurn, near Christchurch, Dorset, UK or is there another one:confused: If it is this one, then why!

14th Jan 2010, 11:06
Are you referring to this beast!

Photo taken late 2008, Sat in some lonely corner of Hurn EGHH


15th Jan 2010, 10:47
You can see it on Google Earth at 50.47.14N 1.50.47W.
It hasn't moved in about 3 years.