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View Full Version : ATC websites---any good ones for Europe?

Donkey Duke
12th Jan 2010, 20:24
Cheers. Any good Aviation related ATC websites to watch or hear airline traffic within Europe or any other areas? I have seen Flightaware for the US, and Radar Virtuel for Europe. Any others out there? Thanks.

13th Jan 2010, 11:22
I know there are 2 others which are more local than Radar Virtuel, I can't remember the addresses off hand but 1 covers AMS the other ZRH.

With Audio, I'm pretty sure there are no sites due to the law in the UK. Not certain for the rest of Europe.

Ben Leonard

13th Jan 2010, 11:28
Airport Detail: EIDW | LiveATC.net (http://www.liveatc.net/search/?icao=eidw)

Casper - live aircraft tracking (http://casper.frontier.nl/)
