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View Full Version : Image rendering in IE8

1st Jan 2010, 19:29
Here's a little light relief for me from Viruses and Routers

This displays fine in Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE6 and 7
BUT it will not display in my IE8. I get the briefest flash of the image and then it goes away.

I've fiddled with all sorts of settings. Any prompts appreciated. No1 son says his IE8 sees it which does not help!

<a href="http://www.wunderground.com/global/stations/03876.html?bannertypeclick=gizmotimetemp"><img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetemp_both/language/www/global/stations/03876.gif" align="center" border=0 alt="Click for weather"></a>

If I replace the img src with a 'normal' img URL the image displays, so it has to be something to do with the way my IE8 is accessing that site.

2nd Jan 2010, 01:31
I've tried several times to post Youtube clips using IE8 and it simply doesn't do it for me.

2nd Jan 2010, 11:11
Feeling stoopid (again) now:ugh: It was adblockerBHO. I'll get my coat as they say. I cannot reacll how the 'add on' got 'added on'!

I found the answer on the wunderground wiki.....