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View Full Version : Underwear Bomber end Nigeria's Cat 1 Hopes?

29th Dec 2009, 19:05
Think this incident will set back Nigeria's hopes for getting CAT 1 to fly directly into USA, by years? and if you think so, will it be deserved due to poor security, or just USA backlash, which will find it much easier to pick on Nigeria than The Netherlands?

29th Dec 2009, 19:46
I think the US is mostly to blame for this incident. I think the guy could potentially have gotten past security just about anywhere. The real crime is the failure of the US Dept of Homeland Security to follow up on the information that was given freely to them by the father when he visited the US Consulate in Lagos.

I'm hopeful that the backlash is limited to the responsible US agencies, but judging by the idiotic knee-jerk reactions in the way of new, moronic inflight security measures, we're all in deep doo-doo.

29th Dec 2009, 20:26
While I agree there should be some backlash against the appropriate US agency that didn't follow up...However I think the bigger problem is there just may not be any plausible way to screen for 60 gm of chemical hidden in your underwear. The reality is, that is a small enough amount that, to be blunt, one could shove up one's hind end...

Mr. Smith
31st Dec 2009, 02:57
I don't see why it should. US was satisfied with what they saw when granting Delta access, as well as when Arik applied. Would it mean US would revoke Netherlands Cat 1 as well? Revoking/denying cat 1 status because of this incident would be a gross over-reaction.

3rd Jan 2010, 14:36
Not sure about CAT 1.

We've been trying to get a visa for someone out of Cameroon for months. Denied twice to visit the USA for reasons they fear she may not return to Cameroon--we guess.

A middle aged woman with a family cannot obtain a US visa, but a bomber can--and then sails past securities--something not right with this picture. I think we call it burearacracy at its worst.


3rd Jan 2010, 14:53
The kid's father is part of the "establishment" in Nigeria (bank director, ex-minister), I guess that helps when the visa request falls on someone's desk.

He "slipped" through the net despite the father's information. Well, how many reports like that do they get every week ? A handful ? Dozens ? Hundreds ?

Nigeria may be eligible for Cat. 1 (or not, frankly I don't know) but I doubt the US will approve them for a little while. It wouldn't look very good in the media. Especially now that the mass-hysteria pushes the administration to give the impression that a few heads will roll and that "they're doing something about it".

4th Jan 2010, 01:50
Just to let you guys know Nigeria has now been put on a "Countries of Interest List" with likes of Pakistan,Yemen, Libya, Iran, Syria, Somalia, Sudan.....FYI

4th Jan 2010, 02:55
...and Saudi Arabia , but not the UAE , or any of the other Gulf countries or even Egypt ....therefore they`ll just use some gullible fool from one of those countries until there is an incident and the government decides to close that barn door once the horse gets out.

4th Jan 2010, 03:35

The DHS continues to run amok. This has to stop, it's absurd.

4th Jan 2010, 08:36
I'd have to say that by my estimate, if it is a terrorist organisations aim to instill fear and change peoples behaviour, then they're winning this hands down. Time and again we hear western politicians say blah... blah .... blah we are protecting our freedoms etc... I see those very freedoms heading into the sunset at a rapid rate unless we stop our knee jerk reactions to these incidents. The new measures will probably not stop another attempt. I do hope I'm proved wrong.

Can anyone explain the 'no getting up' rule... how is this meant to improve matters? On long haul.... when do most peaople end up wanting the loo?
Flying with my kids should be fun... energetic son bolting around the place and changing poo nappies in my seat for the other one... such a joy for all!

4th Jan 2010, 13:06
I'm not an expert in terrorism (does threatening the kids of confiscating their Nintendo count ???), but I happen to know one and she'd definitely concurr with what Skyloone said.

It doesn't matter if an attack is successful or not in terms of damage, it grinds the systems to a halt by injecting new rules, new procedures, new requirements, etc. Until we can't stand the mess any longer and negotiate.

Compare the number of deaths between terrorist attacks in aviation and road accidents. See where the mass-hysteria agglutinates, where the media amplifies the whole thing and where politicians see good opportunities to look like someone you can count on. No need to stir, shake or put in the oven for 20 minutes, just let the whole mix evolve by itself. Then tell me where most of the attention should be needed in terms of safety, and where it actually goes.

We loose, big time. But they don't necessarily win.

5th Jan 2010, 01:36
I wonder if the terrorist who had the underwear malfunction will get his Cat 1 approach permit back, or was the equipment so badly damaged it will not be repaired!!:)

5th Jan 2010, 10:44
So was the bomb in his underwear or in his ass? I'm getting conflicting reports.

5th Jan 2010, 14:42
The shoe guy is British, so what happened to the UK being added to that famous list of countries of interest. Lets play fair:confused:

5th Jan 2010, 16:02
The shoe guy is British, so what happened to the UK being added to that famous list of countries of interest. Lets play fair

I don't even see the direct connection with the shoe bomber to islam, beyond self proclaimed. Just one screwed up dude looking for something "big" (and his two buddies who chickened out).

UK has its share of islam folks shouting for destruction of the west. UK, of course, does not endorse this, and is actively engaged in keeping things as safe is possible.

I really don't see the Nigeria government as a supporter of state sponsored terrorism, but perhaps the US government is trying to get something? I won't be surprised if body scan equipment isn't required in the future.

6th Jan 2010, 12:07
Nigeria has asked the US to remove it from a list of countries whose citizens face tougher airport security checks after a failed airliner bomb plot.

Nigerian Foreign Minister Ojo Maduekwe told BBC News he had protested to the US ambassador about the measures.

And the Nigerian Senate has lodged an official appeal with the US to be removed from the list of 14 countries.

The US has charged a Nigerian man with trying to blow up a plane. Mr Maduekwe said this was an "isolated case".

BBC News - Nigeria makes airport security checks appeal to US (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/8443333.stm)


6th Jan 2010, 14:27
The shoe guy’s religious persuasion is one thing, his miss-guided ties to the organisation that sponsors terror is another!

My qualm is the act (which I strongly deplore and condemn as a peace loving Nigerian) that was perpetrated, bearing the same modus operandi as the under pants guy. The States should be fair and paint any Nation of interest with the same brush if any of its nationals decide to commit such atrocious acts.

My hope is that Nigerian leadership or right now the lack off must get its head out of the sand and put the house in order. I suggest looking northbound and stop the sins of our fathers being passed down from generation to generation.

I feel sorry for us now, having to put up with the humiliation and abuse as we travel because we have been labelled rightly or wrongly, we shall overcome

6th Jan 2010, 16:22
It really beats my crock to see the way Nigerians are castigating da USA for adding us to the terror list,Methinks we should have been tops all these years,In house[nig]Its called religious riots/unrest etc,balderdash,Its called Terrorism in Advanced countries when you try to wipe out people other than yours,thats assuming we hate ourselves so much that we incessantly roast and decapitate ourselves.The world cannot pretend anymore,Nigeria is awash with Terrorists,would be and the likes period,The Nigerian govt is at it again,Politicising everything at the slightest touch.Guys be realistic I would rather they search everyones arse than getting blown out of da sky by one misguided fanatic who hates his parenthood.Lets be guided by self presevation and accept that the threat is real and da enemy is at da door.Eishh,Shame :sad::suspect::eek:

6th Jan 2010, 16:30
It really beats my crock to see the way Nigerians are castigating da USA for adding us to the terror list,Methinks we should have been tops all these years,In house[nig]Its called religious riots/unrest etc,balderdash,Its called Terrorism in Advanced countries when you try to wipe out people other than yours,thats assuming we hate ourselves so much that we incessantly roast and decapitate ourselves.The world cannot pretend anymore,Nigeria is awash with Terrorists,would be and the likes period,The Nigerian govt is at it again,Politicising everything at the slightest touch.Guys be realistic I would rather they search everyones arse than getting blown out of da sky by one misguided fanatic who hates his parenthood.Lets be guided by self presevation and accept that the threat is real and da enemy is at da door.Eishh,Shame :sad::suspect::eek:

6th Jan 2010, 16:59

My very thoughts too, it is a very nasty bitter pill to swallow :{, the average 9ja man loves life after Isaewu and Gulder ;)

7th Jan 2010, 01:27

Right on the money. You can fool the people some of the time, but you cannot fool the people all of the time. The crackpots in govt will never get it right till another nutcase tries something foolish, then it is no longer an "isolated case"
The incompetents who run "national security" in nigeria were informed by the father that his son was a terrorist, what did they do, nada. If the americans are holding their govt responsible for the threat, nigerians should kick their govt in the nuts for the level of incompetence.