View Full Version : Careful in BOM, boys and girls

29th Dec 2009, 13:37
From Aero News Net (http://www.aero-news.net/news/commair.cfm?ContentBlockID=318324a8-b3b8-450d-bbdb-374c4ed6784c&)
Indian ATC Opposes Separation Reduction at BOM

Mon, 28 Dec '09
Controllers Say Infrastructure Must Improve First

CSIA logoControllers for Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport (BOM) in Mumbai, India, are voicing opposition to a plan to reduce separation between inbound aircraft from the ICAO standard 5 NM gap to only 3 NM. Airport managers believe they can increase capacity and reduce delays with the change.

BOM was ranked worst airport for on-time arrivals in 2008 by Forbes. The report cited FlightStats.com showing a full 50% of inbound flights were delayed and over half of those late arrivals were delayed by 30 minutes or more. 24.3 million passengers moved through BOM in the last year.

An unnamed controller told The Indian Express “nothing extra can be accommodated” until the airport’s infrastructure has been improved. The runways are shut down for 6 hours weekly for maintenance and repairs while a taxiway is used to land some aircraft.

The paper reported that at least one senior BOM official did agree with ATC "...under the existing circumstances, a reduction in the separation gap between aircraft will only lead to more chaos on ground and increase passenger inconvenience."

Left Coaster
29th Dec 2009, 17:21

Vince Brown
29th Dec 2009, 23:13
Of all the places in the world ...... awesome!:ok:

30th Dec 2009, 02:19
Well I for one will be keeping 5nm between me and the guy ahead into BOM and hope the guy behind uses the same amount of DF.


31st Dec 2009, 03:20
Carry as much fuel as you can...................a cluster F*** is about to happen!!

31st Dec 2009, 11:32

1st Jan 2010, 13:12
a cluster F*** is about to happen

Been happening for years, and getting worse rather than better.
Only marginally better than mainland China, and I think thats because the Indians speak a version of English we can almost understand, rather than the Chinese version that sounds like they have a mouth full of marbles, and that's when they're not speaking barbed wire.

2nd Jan 2010, 15:03
Unbelievable that they would even consider this.

I suggest some of these airport managers have a stroll into a Mumbai radar room and see how they handle things with the infrastructure they have now.

Maybe they will extend seperation standards :}?

Paradise Lost
2nd Jan 2010, 16:32
Only in India could they think about reducing separation, while others are looking at increasing it! Of course if nothing happens for a week or two after it has been introduced, then Delhi will no doubt follow! Nightmare:=

3rd Jan 2010, 08:39
That's brilliant. Maybe now traffic conflict will have to be moved to #1 threat on my ctwot briefing taking the place of dysentery! Just a maybe.

8th Jan 2010, 06:33
Indian ATC can't even organise efficient levels of operation over the bay of bengal , let alone a piss up in a brewery let alone 3 mile sep , good god what next ??
chennai chennai chennai oi oi oi !