View Full Version : Well at least India is spending.

Guzlin Adnams
27th Dec 2009, 13:42
The Hindu : Front Page : Navy plans to acquire multi-role fighter aircraft (http://www.hindu.com/2009/12/27/stories/2009122756541600.htm)

They certainly do have big plans and I guess will make good allies as they have in the past.
Is this the same India that our beloved, unelected (er unelectable) leader is sending about £850 million to, which is "earmarked" for the schools over there.
Education, education, education.......
Obviously I'm missing something or need to see a man in a white coat.
I must do because I can't stop thinking about giving millions to Brussels, lots of our pounds to immigrants to leave our shores etc etc etc as well.

They're coming to take me away ha ha, they're coming to take me away ha ha ho ho hee hee......:p

flipflopman RB199
27th Dec 2009, 18:50
Three cheers for Gordon Brown!!.....


28th Dec 2009, 08:21
As the UK's ability to punch above its weight is increasingly cost prohibitive, what better way to influence world events than to have a (somewhat friendly) former colony assist the UK's interests?

Would make sense to pin UK's waning star to the Indian ascending star. Better that than China methinks.


28th Dec 2009, 10:02
NAh just form the Commonwealth into one nation-state - better than Europe, better than the yanks, and i'd would include Canada, India, Australia and all the growing economies that they include.... governed from London of course.... ;)

28th Dec 2009, 11:00
Yep who is to be educated

28th Dec 2009, 20:06
And we give aid to a country with it own space programme.

28th Dec 2009, 20:49
And quite right too. This country is deserved of our aid and we should be eternally grateful to India.

Remember that we also provide aid to the United States, So why not India?

BA Bluntie
29th Dec 2009, 05:47
Well the people to be educated are the simplest rural peoples known as 'tribals' and the urban poor. The chances of anything like £850mill reaching the schools they attend is nil - it will be siphoned off as everything else does in this country.

The view of the Indian intelligentsia is that this aid is a joke gesture from an over PC country who has more need of the money than India does.

Oh well off to admire the Flankers on QRA here at Pune.
