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View Full Version : Airlink gets a reprieve!

15th Dec 2009, 05:26
According to News24 Airlink has been given a reprieve to sort out mainly maintenance issues. Weren't these the main issues that caused the closure of Nationwide? This seems to be an all too common trait in airlines. When will the mechanics from management down to line maintenance get it through their heads that their actions are equally as important, if not more than the drivers!

15th Dec 2009, 18:17
This may or may not be obvious, but you might find that the engineers ultimately answer to the same boss, and thus suffer from the same top-down attitude (bad or not). So, let's say that when Vernon exhorted his pilots to fly if they could, he also pressured the engineers to sign the aircraft out, for example. Your question is an oversimplification of the problem perhaps.