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13th Dec 2009, 16:06
Dear Collegues,

I've been invited to the assessment process of Air Berlin in Hamburg, conducted by Interpersonal. Iīve been living in Austria for a year now, so I can speak German, so the interview should be fine, but my concerns are about the aviation knowledge test, since I donīt know the German terms in aviation, anybody knows the language of those exams? Is there the possibility to do the in English?

If anybody has gone through the assessment for Interpersonal in Hamburg, I would really appreciate some information and help!

Best regards.

14th Dec 2009, 06:33
Hi Michipons!

Nice to hear you are invited for an interview. Don't know if you heard about www.pilots.de (http://www.pilots.de) and www.pilotenboard.de (http://www.pilotenboard.de) , if you search on board over there you will find some info about the selections and maybe someone can send you some examples of these questions.

Good luck!

14th Dec 2009, 10:20

Well done

Can I ask are you already type rated on airbus or NG


17th Dec 2009, 12:03
Nice to hear it.

Are u typerated?

17th Dec 2009, 19:47

The questions on general knowledge are in German.

Apparently taken from the FAA question bank.

I suggest knowing angle of attack, flaps, gear down, centre of pressure etc in German.

There is also a test of your English level. It's apparently hard to score 100% on it as it's Oxfordian level.

There's a multi tasking test, make sure you listen to what is stated about what to press etc.

Mental math test- a real pain if you haven't been juggling numbers in your head.

Basic arythmatic.

Psychology test is done on computer. Over a hundred questions.

Logical reasoning test.

Picture memory test.- Screen shows triangles, boxes, circles for 5 seconds then vanishes. You have no idea what it will ask until those are gone.
-Apparently I did well on this but was not prepared at all!-

If you succeed in the computer tests you move on to the Sim check. They tell you roughly what's in store. I can't remember what sim they were using.

In closing, there are roughly 12 computer tests.

I would brush up on G-knowledge, mental math and know the German equivalent of what I mentioned earlier.


16th Jan 2010, 19:11
How is the situation with the recruiting now at AB?

El Sche
16th Jan 2010, 19:52
I have a friend who is searching input about the AirBerlin selection on the Seneca Simulator, anyone has any input or hint about the sim selection???

29th Jan 2010, 16:38
AB is only taking ready entry at the moment. And this is only by waiting list.
interpersonal is in charge and they recruit pilots to put them on this waiting list, so that in case air berlin increases the amount of pilots needed, interpersonal has the first and best option on crews available.

Interpersonal for example is recruiting for the second half of this year...however, when I was in the AB assessment with Interpersonal, the guy told me that AB themself have not in detail made the plan on if and how many crews will be finally taken...

If you need intel on the assessment with AB , I have been there PM me for more.


21st Feb 2010, 19:18
Dear M737,
I'm invited to the assessment in Hambourg in March. Can you give me some more informations about the sim screening ? What were the tasks ? Program, etc...

4th Mar 2010, 15:45
Hi Michipons,

I did AB assessment about 3 years ago.We had about 4 pilots (out of 12 that had beed invited that time) that hardly spoke any german except "guten tag".
(Think two off them had TR on 737)

They told me that their tests were performed in english.So,not sure if it was exception or not.I failed the interview because according to them
my "english" is not good enough. (Apparently I passed my UK FATPL
flight training and flight instructor course just with pure luck......:E )

Overall they have been quite nice and polite.

DME11.2 got some good links there.
Sorry not to have any more updated infos.

Good luck to you!!!

22nd Oct 2010, 09:55
Hello guys,

If you see the dates of my previous posts you may see that is a year now since I was in the assessment with interpersonal.
I was happy that time, because I successfully passed all the test and I was even invited to an interview in Berlin, direct with AB which I also passed. By this time I was told that I would be between the number 10th and 20th of the "work pool".
Since then almost a year is over... and no news, up to know, when I heard that they even do not plan to hire pilots for the coming season!! (unbelievable... isn't it?)
Does anybody of you know the situation in this company? Is this rumor really truth?

By the way... all the exams where conducted in German, even the interview... I did a big effort and I still do it to improve my German! :)
I hope it will not be useless.

Best regards.