View Full Version : Global Warming Vs. Aviation

13th Dec 2009, 06:56
The showdown is coming. The believers are going to come after aviation with a vengeance!

Frequent fliers could face higher tax says Government climate adviser - Telegraph (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/copenhagen-climate-change-confe/6761914/Frequent-fliers-could-face-higher-tax-says-Government-climate-adviser.html)

13th Dec 2009, 08:00
What utter nonsense. What about the people travelling explicitly to win / manage / support British industry etc.

13th Dec 2009, 10:34
This doesn't actually have anything to do with taxation or emissions, does it?
Lord Turner admitted that "social fairness" would be a key factor in working out how these taxes would be levied.
"If you leave it entirely to a price regime, then people will be able to fly if they can afford it".
Heaven forbid that people be entitled to spend the fruits of their toils as they see fit. No, let's continue to penalize success, reward indolence and wonder why self-starters continue to emigrate in droves.