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12th Dec 2009, 03:09
To all those thinking of coming over, be warned lots of promises will be made and they will be very convincing. A contract will be issued and you will sign before arrival, but once you do arrive a somewhat different contract will be offered for signature. Then all the promises or statements made prior to arrival will mysteriously change. But hey, its too late to go back to your previous and that is what hurts the most.
Management style is that of a 'bully' in the playground. If you dare to stand your corner you will be 'shouted' down, and in the end told if you don't like it you can go. They don't care that you have uprooted your life and unlilke the rest of the world they have no 'duty of care' towards crew. Its a different world and as far as rights go you have none.
Rostering sucks and the management of the roster is of a similar uncaring nature again bully tactics rule, so if you think you will travel home once a month forget it, you can't unless home is a gulf state! They say they operate to CAP371 but that is a myth, as they put it you are ETD and ETD can do what it likes. That is how they became the "worlds leading airline".

12th Dec 2009, 04:40
The airline I work for, same as everything you said, + if you are not happy, you can't go, cos you are bonded for almost life time. + salary is 1/3 compared to Etihad.

12th Dec 2009, 05:34
Hmmmmm not sure about this one, EY certainly has problems like most other companies but its not that bad.....maybe more research before accepting the job. :rolleyes:

Dixons Cider
12th Dec 2009, 06:34
what you've said is not particular to EY - its the Middle East, or more correctly the Gulf States.
Welcome to their world, its how business is done here.

12th Dec 2009, 08:43
The contract I was offered and signed before I came over was the same as when I arrived...

Cloud Bunny
12th Dec 2009, 12:39
Welcome to their world

More like "welcome to THE world". That post could (probably does) apply to every carrier in every country in the world. You could even go as far as saying every job, in every industry, in every country in the world.
Life's a bitch and then..............you marry one!!:}

T O G A Boy
12th Dec 2009, 13:45
I honestly dont know why people read about the Gulf states and their state run airlines and yet pluck the courage and come here and moan and groan from day 1.
You knew what you were walking into, so please stop nagging and get out....

12th Dec 2009, 13:58
That is the point I did not know what I was walking into, like many others we elected to trust what was said at the various roadshows we attended. This is not my first Major airline so I am not wet behind the ears.
Sadly with no effective representation and just a reliance on a management which is paid a huge sum, are they going to rock the boat for ordinary pilots, most certainly not. It is the same as the airline boasting it is the 'best' when the award won was for 'Worlds Leading Airline' and there is a difference, soon some one will test the claim in the courts somewhere in the world.

12th Dec 2009, 15:23
Youve obviously made a bad choice, for your own well being maybe its best you bail out.
As someone said a little better research before coming would have answered most questions, there is a lot of stuff out there.
Some of us dont mind it others hate it...your decision....serial whingers are not helpful to anyone.

13th Dec 2009, 03:55

Wait a minute..... if you state that there is a lot of stuff out there, then where does that info come from? PEOPLE who, as you put it, ''serial whinge''!

And by the way, one post explaining one person's experience, is NOT serial whinging. Describing the truth is not ''whinging'' IMHO.

In addition, once you arrive in the ME, then in spite of the negative difference between the promises and reality, at that point staying might be the best option. Obviously, coming to the sandpit is not the best option for many people, but if you are tricked into believing the hype and lies, then once you arrive you are left with few options at least for a few years. The, ''if you don't like it leave'' mantra is not a valid response to someone who realises they have made a bad choice.

We as pilots should be directing things towards companies who make false promises regarding employment, and not our fellow colleagues who got sucked in by the lies. We are a divided and fractured community of professionals and because of that, we all suffer.

13th Dec 2009, 05:14
What did EY "promise" that they have not delivered? I went to the roadshow in Sep of '08 and found it to be very frank and refreshing. I don't know of any that were at the same roadshow and are now at EY that feel they were misled.

13th Dec 2009, 06:37
Yes, it would be nice if you could specify exactly what you were offered and was not delivered, so that everyone can be alert about that. Which "changes" where you forced to accept that where different from the first contract?

13th Dec 2009, 07:25
Here's something more specific.

...I am more disappointed that they haven't kept education and accommodation allowances at levels that come close to the real costs as that was implied when I joined.

Taken from post #40 of the EY Bonus thread.

Chandler Bing
13th Dec 2009, 07:27
Or How EY starters got downgraded from 50 days leave to 42 with the only choice and usual attitude : take it or leave......
Is that more specific ?

13th Dec 2009, 07:53
So let me get this straight, you're whingging for someone else's change in t&c's?
What was promised to YOU that was not delivered is the question.

13th Dec 2009, 09:02
I would thank Mensaboy, he seems to have a good grasp on the reality. There is no purpose to me spelling out what I was promised and subsequently not delivered. What ever the promises, statements etc that were made they are the facts that I based my decision to leave my country for, there are many like me if the truth be told I am certainly not unique. It is therefore very sad that this is now labeled as 'whinging' by some.
Those that state I should have done more research are perhaps correct, but in my view the ultimate research are the statements made by the company you are making the commitment to join, after all if you can't trust them who can you trust. As I have said this is not my first major company, I was once part of the 'worlds favourite airline' to mention but one. This is the first time I have been disappointed. No airline is 'perfect' and pilots have a tendency to complain, but you only have to read the number of comments towards EY, that must demonstrate what a 'morale' issue the company has. There are some quite damning comments and there must be good reason to most of them. As to those that say I should 'bail' I will at the first appropriate opportunity, but having made a commitment to come here I will 'bail' to suit me as I think many others will do. The recession will end and the markets will open up then many will grab their parachutes and as you put it 'bail'.

Gulf Course
13th Dec 2009, 09:21
Bing, you always remind me of a turd that won't flush.

So which Airline are you supposedly working for this week?

Sir Osis of the river
13th Dec 2009, 10:30
On the contrary, Hogtart,

I think you should state specifically what you were promised, that did not materialze. this will help all the other prospective movers do their research thouroghly, so that they dont end up in the same boat.

This would be helping the pilot community in general

Sir O

Chandler Bing
13th Dec 2009, 10:34
What I like among a few here is:......Class and choosen vocabulary.

Keep discovering and remembering you fly with the best.....

13th Dec 2009, 12:00
I agree with Sir O, and I do think that's precisely THE issue. What do you mean by
a)"lots of promises"
b)"somewhat different contract"
c)"mysteriously changed"
C'mon, it's not too difficult, it's not a matter of a point of view or something emotive... I'm just askink for FACTS.
For your advice to be useful for others it's important that you clarify this. If not... it's just pure WHINGING!!!:E

Chandler Bing
16th Dec 2009, 12:00
For those who qualify....

Pilot Jobs Network (http://www.agencies.pilotjobsnetwork.com/viewad.php?ad_number=23451808)

sec 3
16th Dec 2009, 16:24
What exactly is whinging ?:confused:

16th Dec 2009, 16:33

To be considered for a position as Aer Lingus First Officer, applicants must be able to meet the following criteria:

Key Competencies include:

* Highly motivated and keen to take responsibility and accountability.
* Strong leadership potential with well developed teamwork skills.
* Excellent communication skills combined with proven interpersonal skills.
* A broad awareness of our customers' expectations.
* Flexible and adaptable with an enthusiastic and positive attitude to change.

CB please read the last requirement carefully, they're looking for individuals with an enthusiastic and positive attitude. So don't bother applying mate

16th Dec 2009, 16:52
sec 3,

"What exactly is whinging ?"

- a commonplace British term -

from The Free Dictionary (online version)
whinge (hwhttp://img.tfd.com/hm/GIF/ibreve.gifnj, whttp://img.tfd.com/hm/GIF/ibreve.gifnj)
intr.v. whinged, whing·ing, whing·es Chiefly British To complain or protest, especially in an annoying or persistent manner.

16th Dec 2009, 17:54
I sure want to go to that place often referred to as "the rest of the world". The magical place everyone is talking about. Where the rich can't influence, where corporations can't walk all over individuals, where politicians are not above the law, where airlines play by the book.

So since I have lived 10+ in the USA, and 27 in the EU (spent plenty time in both, the East and West side in both eras) I know it is definitely not in one of those. So where can it be than? I want to know. :rolleyes:

sec 3
17th Dec 2009, 07:37
Thanks BJ !!:E

17th Dec 2009, 08:40
It may be a British term, but we all know who perfected it..(post '89):}