View Full Version : ADS over Atlantic

9th Dec 2009, 10:55

I have just started on the 320 and have been reading (just out of curiosity) about CPDLC/ADS in the A330 FCOM. I just wondered whether this was now in common use over the Atlantic, or whether it was still in its experimental phase. It seems like a really clever piece of kit - just wondered whether 330 folk use it all the time across the pond.


17th Dec 2009, 11:29
I would ask my colleagues but I don't fly with any 330 blokes.

Dan Winterland
17th Dec 2009, 12:17
Are you talking about your company or in general. If the latter, it's been in use for about ten years now.

17th Dec 2009, 16:10
If it's fitted, we use it! It's that or listen out on HF and try and get a word in edge ways with the 767 and 757 way down below us :}