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6th Dec 2009, 18:00
Hello all,

Does anyone know the current situation with Maldivian Air Taxi?

Are they recruiting or likely to be in the near future. Also are the f/o requirements still the change or with the down turn in the market are they increasing them to get the more experienced guys/girls?

Any information would be appreciated :ok:


6th Dec 2009, 21:28
Good evening TF,

I might be talking merde absolute, but the last I heard (and this was a year or so back), the main pre-requisite was somewhere in the region of 1,000 water take-offs/landings...

Again, may be wrong as that's just a figure that's planted in the back of my mind... :)

7th Dec 2009, 11:50
Hi :)

I applied for a job with them for about six months ago, "but still empty inbox" :P Apparently they are owned by Borek air in Canada, so I tried to contact them. But that was impossible. So I gave up! But I have heard that Trans Maldivian might be recruiting ;)

8th Dec 2009, 16:58
The Borek / MAT link has ended or is in the process of ending. MAT will now be doing all their own crewing as far as I've heard, so it's probably best to contact them directly.

17th Dec 2009, 12:20
yea, but they told me that maybe will be recruting in 2nd half of next year.
Last time, they crushed one of their twin otters :/

6th Jan 2010, 20:53
Morning crew,

Has anybody got any updates on Maldivian Air, I've emailed resumes with a cover letter etc to both Ken Borek and Maldivian Air but as yet still have no response.

Did the relationship end or was that just hear say? If anyone is or has flown for them how does their recruitment process work?

Thanks in advance:ok:

8th Jan 2010, 06:36
I think that they have thousands of letters like yours.
Do you have float rating?

8th Jan 2010, 19:40
Morning Yeah

Yep I have a float rating. My float experience is minimal though. I received a reply from the other company telling me that they are only employing natives. I think I replied to say, thanks for the reply.

My intention is not to stand on any toes. If jobs are scarce over there then I dont want to pull them out from under the natives feet if they have the appropriate licenses etc. Failing that I'd love to learn the trade in such a beautiful place.

9th Jan 2010, 07:26
Its a bit of a pipe dream but how do they look on guys with minimal float time but say 5000TT, 3000 Turbine 2000 of which on PT6? I have D228 time but I really would rather be flying the taxi.

12th Jan 2010, 04:43
Hi everyone,

I see a lot of questions about MAT and I can answer some of them being myself flying everyday this wonderful DHC-6 Twin Otter on float for them !

1- MAT and Kenn Borek have indeed ended their long relationship and MAT is slowly building up it's own fleet. We have now aircrafts on CAP and Wipline floats and phasing the change to all Wipline. It will take time though !

2- indeed short on FOs right now but this is due to the high season and MAT receives daily, tens of applications that they are trying to treat chronologically the best they can, so you might not receive any answer quickly !

3- facts about the job : it is tough and the glamorous "bare foot Pilot" job is true but at a cost : wake up every morning at 4am, 14 hours duty day with sometimes just a 20 min. break for lunch and on a constantly moving runway : the Indian Ocean is not always calm and rough waters and strong winds (very strong) are happening regularly at the change of monsoon !

4- as for experience, Captains will need a lot of it !!! It is a very very challenging job. FOs need less experience and will learn A LOT as they go along ! Obviously, you will need a Float Rating and some multi-engine time but not 1000 and 1000 of hours ! You will fly as PF every other leg so it is a great experience building job. The downside is that it's a day VFR operation so no IFR time, no night time and for FOs no PIC time... Otherwise, what an incredible way to gain experience and build hours !

Should you have questions PM me and I'll be glad to answer !

Regards, good luck and keep the blue side up !:ok:

24th May 2010, 05:10
Hi Everyone !

To those interested in applying at Maldivian Air Taxi, here are some fresh news !

The government has stopped delivering work permits & visas to foreigners applying for an FO position so at the moment : No Chance !

It is however still OK for a Captain position.

The Maldives will adopt the JAR-OPS 1 as per August 1st so a lot of other changes to come : duty time, legs etc etc...
What will be imposed or granted to MAT is still in discussion but it will for sure change a few things !

These are some late news...
Cheers and Good luck !