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View Full Version : All dressed up with nowhere to go.

13th Sep 2001, 14:07
The statements coming out of the Whitehouse are simple 'America is at war'. Accordingly, the 19 members of NATO are invoking article 5 of the Washington treaty - an attack on one etc...

But with whom are we at war?

Should the perpetrator's of this terrible act be traced to Bin Laden, and the Taliban become guilty by association then our enemy is probably Afghanistan.

Notwithstanding obvious concerns about global stability I can't see a way of getting to Afghanistan. I realise that I'm not paid enough to have such concerns but I do own my own map of the world. Afghanistan is land-locked, surrounded by nations such as Iran, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikstan and China.

Just getting to the place could be a destabilising act in itself. Worrying times my friends...

bad livin'
13th Sep 2001, 14:55
Radio reports suggest that the US has "strongly recommended" that Pakistan provide all required cooperation should it be required. This provides the gateway to Afghanistan...but may have the unfortunate consequence of drawing in India...etc, etc...if a world war can be born of a single assassination, what will become of this should someone be identified as responsible? Will ethical concerns about striking a group of likely targets be aired, or will the understandable US bloodlust be ignored until all the information needed is in place? Sad times indeed.

Up Very Gently
13th Sep 2001, 21:18
All those countries mentioned have condemned this terrorist action, and expressed their "heartfelt" sympathy for the US -even Iran. When it is proved who perpetrated these crimes against humanity, it will be time for them to put their money where their mouth is, and provide whatever support is required.

In my simple opinion, We, and I mean the free world, need to identify the guilty, and, to coin a phrase, kill every motherf**king last one of them. That is the only justice deserved.

Or, let Tony Blair puy them into prison for Life, and then release them into the community 2 years later, with big pay offs for being unfairly treated. That'll teach them!


14th Sep 2001, 11:51
Depending upon your point of view, either the best thing, or the worst thing, that could now happen is that the Taliban extradite Bin Laden and he gives himself up for arrest and subsequent trial. Where would that leave us?