View Full Version : Pulmonary Valve Replacement

24th Nov 2009, 09:35
I was just wondering if anybody had been in and had the above done in the last few years?

I am just after some information on getting the JAA and FAA Class 1 medical's back if anyone has been through the op, the Valve is on the Right side.

Appreciate any info.

Many thanks

Bob the Doc
24th Nov 2009, 10:45
I don't think valve replacement should necessarily be an absolute bar to passing a medical but it is not going to be easy. The most important information will be the success of the procedure. If the heart functions well and the valve has no leakage etc then you may be able to get a medical but it will take a number of months before you are able to be assessed after the operation. If you don't mind us asking, what is the procedure for (regurgitation/stenosis etc) and how are you at the moment?.

24th Nov 2009, 16:07
Thanks for the quick reply.

I am fine, i had Tetralogy Fallots as a child back in 1974, and this is a cause of that operation.

I do everything normal and never out of breathe or anything, they are changing it now due to my age and teh muscle has started to grow.

I current have a JAA and FAA class one, as both authorities know about the situation.

I am not sure what type its for, i only know there is some leakage of blood, i do have aleaflet here on it, and it does say STenosis, but not sure if thats what i am having done.

Bob the Doc
25th Nov 2009, 14:10

Not a cardiac surgeon but Fallot's certainly involves Pulmonary Stenosis. If the operation is essentially to prevent further thickening of the muscle, presumably due to a relatively narrow valve opening (either as a result of increased thickness of tissues or because the original valve was quite small) should hopefully be associated with the ability to be upgraded to full Class 1 status. It will take a while to recover from the operation but I should think that as long as all goes well, you should be OK in the long run. CAA med department can advise more.


27th Nov 2009, 09:40
Hi BTd

Thanks for the advice, yes you are correct in all of that, its the muscle that is enlraging, and they want to operate now, when i am 37 to give it good time to recover.

My AME has said, hopefully if all goes well i should get my Class 1 back, i do have an OML at the moment, which is as or with co-pilot.

Thanks for your help.

air pig
28th Nov 2009, 18:41

Dependent on your surgeon, you may need a Ross's procedure of moving the Aortic Valve to the Pulmonary and replacing the Aortic with a mechanical or Tissue valve. You will need to see a surgeon who has specialised in revision of congenital surgical procedures in adults as the anatomy of a patient with congenital heart problems is different to normal, so therefore specialist training is required.

Consider at least six months off work before going back to work subject to the AMEs and the CAA.


Air pig.