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View Full Version : SA Airlink into Da Sod!

18th Nov 2009, 16:29
Eish Man! SA Airlink should have hit the Breaaakkkss!!

Sorry Guys! This Happens! Just to let you know I am Behind you all the Way!!

Juliet Sierra Papa
18th Nov 2009, 16:38
Here is a link SA Airlink plane spins off runway: News24: SouthAfrica: News (http://www.news24.com/Content/SouthAfrica/News/1059/9b0dba46c8f841fc8e9bbd23ffecbd4e/18-11-2009-06-11/SA_Airlink_plane_spins_off_runway)


19th Nov 2009, 10:40
So what's the deal? Blew a tire? Problem with nose steering. Somebody fess up!

19th Nov 2009, 11:38
Well, unfortunately it was the top story on Etv news last night, making a big big boowoo about it and using words like "accident" and comparing it to the crash in DUR in Sept.

20th Nov 2009, 07:13
Yip! Saw that. This is yet again so typical of Mr. Newsman to sensationalise such a harmless occurrence! They never have their facts straight and it's all about scaring uninformed people.

Do they ever mention how many movements per day airlink has or anything about their ongoing safety record - No!

Sick Of the Newsman

20th Nov 2009, 12:06
Uh! knock knock. Running of the runway a harmless occurance? Trade in your licence and drive a taxi. Fact is, at this point no one has a clue as to what happened. Doesn't sound harmless to me.

21st Nov 2009, 07:10
Who's There! Oh it's the Mighty Spacecadett! Whoop Whoop! I bow before your Endless Knowlege!

You must be one of those sensationalistic Boys! You are the Mighty one who has never had any type of incident, Well Done!:D

The Die Is Cast!

21st Nov 2009, 07:24
Randomness comes in lumps…